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你应该常用这种面膜。You should use this facial masque often.

亚玛逊白泥毛孔深层清洁面膜。Kiehl's . Rare Earth Deep Pore Cleansing Masque.

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补水面膜是一种最直接的补水手段。Hydrating masque is one of the most direct water means.

推荐为每日使用作为一个水合的和镇定的面具。Recommended for daily use as a hydrating and calming masque.

他们第一次见面是在一个化装舞会上,两人都穿著很滑稽的服饰。One who wears a mask , especially a participant in a masquerade masque.

我觉得我的脸部缺水,我应该试用“小黄瓜面膜”吗?。I feel that my face is getting dehydrated, should I try the "cucumber masque"?

使用不含油的粘土矿物面膜帮助你清洁和清新肌肤。Thoroughly cleanse and refresh your skin with this oil-free mineral clay masque.

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尝试剥离面膜去除肌肤老死的角质细胞,瞬间吸收多余油脂!Try this peel masque to remove dead skin cells and absorb excess oil in an instant!

可以适度按摩面膜提高肌肤吸收或者用洗脸巾洗掉。Either massage product into the skin or leave on as a masque. Remove with a damp face cloth.

这款液体状修护面膜具有深层洁净和爽肤作用,能吸收多余油脂,有助解决问题部位。A deep-cleansing and drying liquid masque that absorbs excess oils and can also help to treat problem areas.

每周2次。清洁后取适量均匀涂抹脸部,停留15-20分钟后以温水清洗乾净。Use twice a week. Spread a small amount of masque over entire face, avoiding eye area. Leave on 15-20 min. , then rinse with.

牛奶蛋白、海藻萃取、芦荟胶、小麦蛋白、蓍花草萃取、橘皮萃取。HLOROPHYLL MASQUE is a very effective skin tightening masque. The dried film of natural milk proteins, plant extracts, seaweed.

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清水洁面,将面膜紧贴脸部,用手悄悄拍打面部使其贴敷更紧,15-20分钟即可揭去,然后用指尖对脸部稍加按摩,直至接收。Remove the masque after 15 to 20 minutes and follow up with a short while facial massage with your fingers until fully absorption.

在使用您首选的伊索配方彻底清洁后,涂上薄薄的,甚至一层面膜在您的整个脸上和脖子上。After cleansing throughly with your preferred Aesop formulation, apply a thin, even layer of masque over your entire face and neck.

戴翔没有简单的、标签式的将雷锋这一符号做政治波普式的解读,没有把他仅作为申斥或揶揄历史的面具。Dai Xiang has no intention to simply tab the Lei Feng symbol into Political Pop art, or to reprimand or ridicule the history under a heroic masque.

在作画中从管里挤出颜料并用刀子弄出剑舞或化装舞的形状,这就是他热衷的过程。The manufacturing procedure of squeezing dye from a tube and making shape by a knife is his exciting movements of a sword dance and a masque dance.

我喜欢这个面膜,如果用的太勤会有点干,但是它好像真的让我的皮肤出油减少了而且让我皮肤更紧致。Love this masque. It can be a tad drying if used too frequently but it really does seem to dissolve impurities lessen oiliness and firm up your skin.

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此款发膜对干枯受损的发质以及经过染烫的头发都有很好的滋养和修护效果。Repairs, nourishes and strengthens hair inside and out. Luscious deep-conditioning masque repairs dry, damaged, color treated or over processed hair.

我喜欢这个面膜,假如用的太勤会有点干,但是它似乎真的让我的皮肤出油减少了而且让我皮肤更紧致。Love this masque. It can be a tad drying if used too frequently, but it really does seem to dissolve impurities, lessen oiliness, and firm up your skin.

注入源自仙人掌萃取物的舒缓养分,帮助肌肤保持健康、靓丽、滋润。While hydrating, Creamy Hydrating Masque infuses soothing nutrients from cactus and pine cone extracts to help keep skin looking healthy, beautiful, and radiant.