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院落别墅的时代之筵。Era' feast of yard villa.

这个别墅设计得很好。This villa is well-designed.

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他在里维埃拉有一所别墅。He has a villa on the Riviera.

海边小别墅的傍晚。The seaside small villa sunset.

他用分期付款的方式买了一栎别墅。He bought a villa on easy terms.

位于意大利蒂沃莉的哈德良别墅。Hadrian's Villa in Tivoli, Italy.

回归,自然的福址,城市的别墅。Return to the natural city villa.

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他把他的别墅保持在顶尖的样子。He kept his villa in tiptop shape.

别墅设计施工图。Villa design and construction plans.

卢卡斯别墅超级烟花派对!Luga's Villa MASSIVE Fireworks party!

现为环秀山庄的入口处。At the entrance of the mountain villa.

老师的家是个小别墅,座落在一个大花园里。It is a small villa with a large garden.

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韩乐和王皓住在勇家别墅里。Korea and wang lives in yong home villa.

我们将别墅出租给一对美国夫妇。We rente the villa to an American couple.

我喜欢这种清爽的别墅设计风格!I like this refreshing villa design style!

仅50分钟就可以从江山墅到成都。Only 50 minutes from the villa to chengdu.

我们住在尼斯湖湖畔的一幢漂亮的小别墅里。We live in a nice villa near the Loch Ness.

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爱得林来到地中海的一座别墅中。Adrien goes to a villa on the Mediterranean.

此房为豪装全配别墅。This room is fully furnished villa Haozhuang.

如果我是亿万富翁,我就给你买别墅。If Iwere a billionaire Iwould buy you a villa.