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骑自行车出入请下车。Cyclists please dismount at the gate.

汝若怕死,早下马受降!Ifyou fear death, dismount and surrender.

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骑虎者难下。He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount.

骑兵队长传达下马的命令。The cavalry officer gave the order to dismount.

在什么马的边你登上和卸下?On what side of the horse does one mount and dismount?

卸下磁碟机支架上的3颗螺丝,并取出磁碟机支架。Remove 3 screws of the disc drive chassis and dismount chassis.

接受蒙古姑娘,小伙儿们的敬下马酒仪式,入住度假村。Accept the Mongolian girl, boy, you worship ritual dismount wine.

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手术切口小不易发现,一律采用骨膜下法。Difficult to find a small incision, all with periosteum dismount.

从轮卸除陶瓷瓶酱油用针工具。Dismount a ceramic shoyu bottle from the wheel using a needle tool.

老制篮商伸出一只手扶柳条女人下马。The old basket-maker held out a hand, and helped the lady dismount.

将板送出冲向沙滩也像是在做出一个胜利的手势!And flicking the board on to the sand while you dismount is the celebratory spike.

在3.1补丁中,陆地坐骑在涉水的时候不会消失,而会在水中游泳。In Patch 3.1, ground mounts will no longer dismount in water but will swim instead.

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詹姆命令下马,并且告诉他的兵如果愿意的话可以跟布雷肯的士兵套套近乎。Jaime gave the order to dismount and told his men that they might mingle if they liked.

通过一系列的翻转,从高杠跃到低杠,最后以跳下结束。Launching from one high bar to a lower one in a series of spins followed by a dismount.

同时,强制卸载会导致所有目标卷上打开的文件句柄失效。At the same time, a forced dismount invalidates all open handles to files on the target volume.

放置的效应,如绑架或邪恶调转,也可以用来使骑士下马。Place effects, such as Abduct or Baleful Transposition, could also be used to dismount a rider.

您不能与供应商进行交互,当您安装,这样做会使你卸除。You are not able to interact with vendors while you are mounted, doing so will make you dismount.

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当战事需要时,链甲骑士们会毫不犹豫下马作战,协助防御或进攻堡垒。When need calls it, the Mailed Knights would often dismount to help defend or assault a fortification.

规则修改后下法还是以D组难度为首选,E组下法数量有增加的趋势。Revision of Rules and dismount, or to the difficulty of choice D group, E group dismount volume increasing.

下法就是在一套动作做完后选手脱离器械的方式方法,通常以一个高难度转体或者腾空翻来结束其整套动作。To dismount means to leave an apparatus at the end of a routine, usually done with a difficult twist or salto.