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巴菲特也以他的慷慨好施为闻名。But Buffett is also known for his philanthropy.

让我们对所有这一切虚假的慈善事业叫停。Let us call for an end to all this false philanthropy.

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卡罗琳把她的一身献给了写作和慈善事业。Caroline has devoted her life to writing and philanthropy.

慈善在中国引发公众不满原因有二。There are two reasons philanthropy gets people riled up in China.

第二章分析张钫从事慈善事业的原因。The second chapter analyses the reasons of Zhang Fang's philanthropy.

此外,请你告诉我干吗我不应沉迷于博爱主义。Besides, I want you to tell me why I should not go in for philanthropy.

第五章是对张钫慈善事业的评价。The fifth chapter is about the evaluation of Zhang Fang's philanthropy.

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对于那些没钱买服务的人,虽然有政府和慈善部门的援助,但效果只是杯水车薪。Government aid and philanthropy channel our caring for those who can't pay.

吉恩•凯斯说,互联网创业家对慈善事业拥有独特的兴趣。Ms. Case said Internet entrepreneurs have a unique interest in philanthropy.

博爱主义,是那些存心和自己的同类过不去的人的避难所。Philanthropy is the refuge of people who wish to annoy their fellow creature.

第四部分,主要介绍嘉善地区的士绅群体对于慈善事业的态度。The fourth part focuses on the attitude in philanthropy of Jiashan's squires.

慈善事业,是一座从下而上一砖一瓦垒建起来的“大厦”。Philanthropy is one bottom-up"Building"which can only be build up very slowly.

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沃兹现在致力于慈善事业不再在苹果公司上班。Woz currently focuses on philanthropy and no longer works full time for Apple.

因为他的种种善举,在1906年被授予准男爵称号,又在1909年成为枢密顾问院的成员。For his philanthropy he was made a baronet in 1906 and a Privy Counsellor in 1909.

人们常常认为慈善事业是帮助贫困者的唯一途径。It is often assumed that philanthropy is the only way to assist people in poverty.

近些年来,里奇投入了越来越多的时间和金钱用于慈善事业。Latterly, Rich had devoted an increasing amount of time and money to philanthropy.

这次失败使得妇女意识到慈善事业是不够完善的。This type of failure caused women to realize that philanthropy would not be enough.

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“从一开始他似乎就对慈善事业表现出了极大兴趣,”Foley说。"He seemed to be really interested in philanthropy from the beginning, " says Foley.

这与慈善创投“一切由我做主”的倾向形成了鲜明对比。That is in stark contrast to the 'My-way-or-highway' tendencies of venture philanthropy.

衰退已经横扫了一切,包括从慈善事业到偿债能力。The recession has hit everything from philanthropy to stripping to the solvency of Nevada.