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残忍的或者无人性的杀害。To kill brutally or inhumanly.

他有些近乎极端地、残忍地诚实。He is extremely and brutally honest.

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让我把这件事无情地挑明说吧。Let me be brutally frank about this.

为什么他们这么粗暴地指责我们?Why do they always accuse us so brutally?

“要问他?”海纳蛮横地要求。"Wyncha ask him?" brutally demanded Hainer.

塞尔维亚人残忍地谋杀了许多人。The Serbs brutally murdered many of the men.

数以千计的无辜者遭到残忍地杀戮。Innocents were brutally liquidated by thousands.

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完全就是吃果果的令人发指的懒惰和疲乏。It is just blatantly and brutally LAZY and TIRED.

虽然遭受残酷虐待,黑奴并不便宜。Though brutally mistreated, slaves were not cheap.

PCAPA对当地反对毛主义者的势力进行了残暴的镇压。It has brutally quelled local opposition to the Maoists.

艺术、文学以及言论被野蛮的压制。Art, literature, and speech were all brutally suppressed.

在打水漂、路亚在入水前极具减速。In skipping, lure decelerates brutally after it hits water.

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最近这一波抗议可能会衰减下去,或者被残酷的镇压。The current wave of protests may die down or be brutally repressed.

医生开门见山的说,桑德拉随时可能会死。A brutally honest doctor said that Sandra could drop dead at any time.

而恰加耶夫职业生涯保持全胜,且从未被野蛮痛打。Chagaev, unbeaten as a pro, has never been in a brutally taxing fight.

1976年,她在夏威夷怀基基海滩度假时遭到残忍的袭击。In 1976 she was brutally attacked while on holiday in Waikiki Hawai’i.

在四、五月间,陆克文的民意支持率一路狂跌,但最终稳定了下来。Rudd's poll support fell brutally in April and May, but had stabilised.

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首脑会议那些微薄的成果,残忍地暴露出来。The shallowness of the summit's achievements has been brutally exposed.

我遭受了野蛮的折磨,他们把武器弄进我身体里。I was brutally tortured to the point of them entering weapons inside me.

可你们却野蛮地炸了我们的大使馆,杀死了我那唯一的儿子!But you brutally bombed the embassy of our country and killed my only son!