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此不吉之言也。These are ominous words.

又或者说是一种不祥的预兆?Or is it an ominous omen?

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像不祥的鸟儿双翅翻振……Like an ominous bird a-wing...

于是哭的更凶了。So the cry of the more ominous.

发展趋势清晰而险恶。The trends are clear and ominous.

仿佛电影里不详的主题音乐随之响起。Cue ominous theme music from Dragnet.

可现在的我们听起来阴暗,坏兆头啊Now, that sounds dark to us, ominous.

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她时时有一种不祥的预感。She often has an ominous presentiment.

我们来一起看看不吉利的数字666.Let's have a look at the ominous number 666.

他们正在升温和发送不祥的信号。They're hotting up and sending ominous signals.

我要扬弃那命定不祥的界线。I'll sublate that predestined, ominous borderline.

最后几行,十分不详而诡异。Those last lines, then, are so ominous and strange.

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另一方面,曼联看起来是一个恶兆。Man United, on the other hand, were looking ominous.

我要扬弃那命定不祥的界线。I want to sublate that predestined, ominous borderline.

这股邪恶的风越刮越大了,回家路上要小心的啊!The ominous wind is blowing stronger. Fly carefully home.

这只狰狞丑陋可怕不吉不祥的古鸟何出此言。What this grim, ungainly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore.

他眼冒凶光,一步步朝她逼去。He crept toward her with a light in his eye that was ominous.

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一座曾一度休眠的火山不时传来不祥的轰隆隆声这可是个不好的预兆。The ominous rumblings from a once-dormant volcano were a bad omen.

稍后些的画里,这座山已被恶劣的黑云吞没。In later paintings, the mountain was engulfed in ominous black clouds.

当然,巴西和阿根廷也是欧洲球队夺冠之路上的绝对煞星。Then, of course there is the ominous presence of Brazil and Argentina.