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印度的克利须那神就是个例子。Example in India is Krishna.

奎师那是万事万物的根源。Krishna is the root of everything.

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克里斯娜站在舞台前部的开阔区域。Krishna stands downstage in the open area.

这是对奎师那纯粹奉爱的一个典范。This is an example of pure love for Krishna.

奎师那知觉便是这永恒的生活。Krishna consciousness is the life of eternity.

尊敬的西孟加拉邦甘地邦长阁下Mr. Gopal Krishna Gandhi, Governor of West Bengal

来自德干河的印度半岛向上到克里希纳河河流域。India from Deccan rivers up to Krishna river system.

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背景的向日葵和讫里什那神寺庙。Sunflowers and the Krishna temple in the background.

这次普斯塔·奎师那站了起来。This time Pushta Krishna got up to heavy these guys.

奎师那知觉是永恒生命的程序。Krishna consciousness is the process of eternal life.

洒红节为代表的“如何克里希纳偷走黄油。”Holi is represented by "How Krishna Stole the Butter."

我看到希望的表情降临到了康沃和克里斯的脸上。I saw hope dawning on the faces of Cornwallis and Krishna.

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我们永远不应该傻坐着,然后请求奎师那去做这做那。We should never sit idly and ask Krishna to do everything.

克利须那神小的时候,十分喜欢牛奶与牛奶制品。As a child Krishna was very fond of milk and milk products.

这来自奎师那的帮助时超然的快乐。This sort of help from Krishna is transcendental happiness.

这是在178页,从Sri,Rama,Krishna开始。So this is the bottom of 178. This is from Sri Rama Krishna.

我们祝愿所有的朋友们过一个最快乐的奎师那显现日。We wish all our friends a most happy Sri Krishna Janmastami.

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克利须那神来自南德冈,而那时罗陀属于巴尔萨纳。Radha belonged to Barsana while Krishna hailed from Nandgaon.

国王阿克巴继续说,“主奎师那就是一个很好的例子。King Akbar continued, ´Lord Krishna is a fine example of that.

蔡彪突然用枪顶住大奎的脑袋,说他是内奸。Cai Biao suddenly gun against Krishna head, said he was guilty.