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耶稣,大祭司,菲尼亚斯的儿子。Jesus, high priest, son of Phineas.

菲尼亚斯·盖奇又坐了起来,说"哦"And Phineas Gage sat down and went, "Uh, oh."

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美国节目经纪人巴纳姆,P.T。Phineas T. Barnum, American programme broker.

大约一百年前,菲尼亚斯·盖奇是一名建筑工人Phineas Gage was a construction worker about 100 years ago.

经典的例子,最有名的例子,是一个叫做菲尼亚斯,盖奇的人。The classic case, the most famous case, is that of a man called Phineas Gage.

他是经典心理学例子简介,一个非常可怜的家伙,可怜的笨蛋。Phineas Gage is the classic Intro Psych example an extremely poor guy, poor schmuck.

“菲尼亚斯·奈杰勒斯。”赫敏解释道,把小包扔在厨房桌子上,发出平常那种响亮沉重的撞击声。"Phineas Nigellus, " Hermione explained as she threw the bag onto the kitchen table with the usual sonorous, clanking crash.

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一块黑眼罩蒙住了菲尼亚斯·奈杰勒斯那双机敏的黑眼睛,他撞到画框上,痛得嗷嗷叫。A black blindfold appeared over Phineas Nigellus's clever, dark eyes, causing him to bump into the frame and shriek with pain.

到三点钟左右,乔治忽然听见后远远地传来了一阵急促而坚定的马蹄声,便轻轻碰了一下斐尼亚斯的胳膊。George's ear caught the hasty and decided click of a horse's hoof coming behind them at some distance, and jogged Phineas by the elbow.

还有类似菲尼亚斯,盖奇的其他例子,这个人受到伤害的大脑部位,与他相同,部分大脑皮层。There are other cases like Phineas Gage, cases where people have had damage to that same part of the brain, parts of the frontal cortex.

还有类似菲尼亚斯,盖奇的其他例子,这个人受到伤害的大脑部位,与他相同,部分大脑皮层。There are other cases like Phineas Gage, cases where people have had damage to that same part of the brain, parts of the frontal cortex.

对于一些施行脑部手术造成永久性影响的例子,我们可以回顾菲尼亚斯·盖奇,一位十九世纪铁路工人的案例。For an example of this type of brain surgery with a permanent effect, we can look to the case of Phineas Gage, a 19th-century railway worker.

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到三点钟左右,乔治忽然听见后远远地传来了一阵急促而坚定的马蹄声,便轻轻碰了一下斐尼亚斯的胳膊。About three o' clock George's ear caught the hasty and decided click of a horse's hoof coming behind them at some distance, and jogged Phineas by the elbow.

叙述者是一位内向、好学的南方人,回忆他与最好的朋友菲尼亚斯之间的关系。The narrator Gene an introverted studious Southerner recalls his relationship with his best friend Phineas known as "Finny" a charismatic gregarious athlete.

头骨属于菲尼亚斯•盖吉,他是19世纪一个采石场的工头,在用铁棍将注入孔洞的黑色炸药捣实的时候,炸药爆炸了。The skull belonged to Phineas Gage, a 19th-century quarry foreman who was packing a black powder charge in to a hole with the iron bar when the powder exploded.

话说有个工头,叫菲尼斯·P·盖奇,25岁,人精力充沛讨大伙喜好,一帮汉子正跟着他在拉特兰到伯灵顿的新增铁路线上干活。A gang of men, under the direction of their energetic and likeable foreman, 25-year-old Phineas P. Gage, was working on a new line of the Rutland and Burlington railroad.

在这个课程的初期,实际上我认为下周我们就会讨论到,不,应该是晚些时候,大概到期中吧,我们就会讨论到一件关于,菲尼亚斯·盖奇的令人惊奇的病例Early in the course, in fact I think next week, we will discuss, no, later on in the course, in the middle of the semester, we will discuss an amazing case of Phineas Gage.

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在同一集,Doofenshmirtz了一项计划,以摧毁人们不能弥补思考的事情,所以Phineas和Ferb处于危险之中,但佩里了一项计划,以阻止邪恶的医生。In the same episode, Doofenshmirtz has a plan to destroy people who can't make up their mind about things so Phineas and Ferb are in danger but Perry has a plan to stop the evil doctor.

再一次,结果是,埃利奥特没有失明,失聪或反应迟钝,他也没有变得喜欢亵渎他人,像菲尼亚斯那样,但是他失去了给事情优先排序的能力。And again, as a result of this, Elliot was not struck blind or deaf or retarded, and he didn't become the sort of profane character that Phineas Gage became, but he lost the ability to prioritize.