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不过,扬基队的支出包括了所有费用。However, the Yankees outlay represents all costs.

收回创始费用外加估算利息。recovering the initial outlay plus imputed interest.

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同样,如果你只选择租车,那么全部的支出将比买车少。Also, since you are only renting the car, your total cash outlay should be less.

回收期是指收回最初现金投入所需要的年数。The payback period is the number of years needed to recover the initial cash outlay.

开初支付了装备的费用后,想省钱是露营的一个主要动机。Economy is one powerful motive for camping, since after the initial outlay upon equipment.

对它的制作室来说是一个巨大的冒险委托,已付费用超出任何人可以想象的数目。A hugely risky commitment for its studio, the outlay paid off more than anyone could have dreamed.

中央党部之下的财务委员会是负责党务经费的专责机关。The financial committee under the central party department is a specific organ in charge of the party outlay.

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不过冰正在融化,可能在我们主要的经费花出前,北方航线就变成了更为便宜的路线。But the ice is melted and the Northern shipping route may prove to be even cheaper before any major outlay is made.

我们并没有起薪,可以没限制的向国家申请金费,不过必须定期交出研究报告。No limit to your pay. You can apply for research outlay from the country. But you need to hand in the report on time.

而霍奇森在看到球队巨大变化时表示“俺震精了”,并且相信老板亨利会很快从他的投资中取得回报。Hodgson has been impressed with the new acquisitions but says owner John Henry will expect a quick return on his outlay.

独立影片特作人建立的理论是,网络游戏的虚域站带来的回报将远超过投入的重金。Independent filmmaker theorizes that the virtual space station in an online game will far more than repay his hefty outlay.

这笔钱需要创立新的建筑和新校区是重大的,被称为资本支出支出。The money required to build new buildings and new campuses is significant and is referred to as capital outlay expenditures.

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我国教育经费分财政性经费和非财政性经费两部分。Our countrys educational outlay contains government appropriation for education and non-government appropriation for education.

它会导致耗用一笔款项,而这些款项本应用在传达真理的光给那些因没有基督而行将沦亡的生灵。It leads to an outlay of means that should be expended in bringing the light of truth to souls that are perishing out of Christ.

杨说,与他的朋友和同事在孩子身上的投入相比,他们在童童身上的开销还是少的。Even so, Mr. Yang said the outlay for Tong Tong was modest compared with what his friends and colleagues spent on their children.

但缺乏有效的科学管理指导和经费支持是导致大学城体育课外俱乐部正常化运行困难的主要原因。But lacking of scientific and effective management and enough outlay are the main reason that induce the P. E. club's running abnormally.

设计师会根据你的预算,协助你订出项目的优先顺序,合理地分配预算。The designer will act according to your budget, will assist you to subscribe the outlay goal order of priority, reasonably budget allotments.

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用所节省的资金进行投资,企业可以得到更多节能设备,供其在无需现金支出的情况下在今后数年内使用。With the investments paid from the savings, the host enterprises receive more efficient equipment to use for years to come with no cash outlay.

目前,我国大多数图书馆经费紧张、待遇低下、人才流失严重。Presently, most libraries in Chins are short of outlay and the salary of the employees is very low, thus a lot of talented workers have resigned.

市面上质素高的朱古力一向都不便宜,相比之下这朱古力味的营养米条味道既好,价钱亦合理。High quality chocolate usually comes with a high price, but the Nutrilite Protein Bar provides an equally tasty snack for a very reasonable outlay.