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时间一长,颜色还会逐渐变深。Its color will darken over time.

少数情况下会使混凝土颜色变深。Rarely will darken concrete or pavers.

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最糟糕的是,阴霾可能进一步笼罩。At worst, the shadows could darken further.

请在蓝漆里掺上点黑漆。Please darken the blue paint with black paint.

在贝尔加湖东部,森林染黑了地平线。Forests darken the horizon east of Lake Baikal.

我用了半灰半白式的中灰渐变镜来暗化天空。I used a split grad ND filter to darken the sky.

暴风雨来临时天空变得黑沉沉的。The sky began to darken as the storm approached.

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试着让午睡的地方光线暗点或干脆戴个眼罩。Try to darken your nap zone, or wear an eyeshade.

点画所做的是什么质地的背景变暗。What stippling does is texture and darken the background.

仁慈的门户,犹如月蚀,阴暗了我们的下腹。The gates of mercy, like an eclipse, darken our undersides.

你释怀吧,我今后决不会再登你家的门了。You can be assured that I will never darken your door again.

定义,是否游戏全屏应该变暗第二显示器。Defines if fullscreen games should darken secondary displays.

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凯蒂忧心重重地说,因为此时天空暗淡无光,像是要下小雨的样子。Kanchi said anxiously, as the sky began to darken for a light rain.

明天的死亡能充抵今天的快乐吗?Can tomorrow's death cast its shadow backward and darken today's joy?

太阳光会使雀斑颜色变深并长出新的雀斑来。The light from the sun causes freckles to darken and new ones to appear.

天蝎战机遮天蔽日的从树顶方向飞来。SCORPION GUNSHIPS darken the sky as they come over the tops of the trees.

欧洲和日本经济的持续波动,也让前景蒙上了一层阴影。The continuing wobbles in Europe andJapanonly further darken the outlook.

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紫外线不光会引发更多的斑点,而且会让你皮肤上已经有的斑点变得更深。UV rays not only cause more spots but also darken those you already have.

人类感到大地颤抖,看到可怕的怪物遮天。Man felt the earth trembling, and saw the sky darken with monstrous shapes.

当按压预景深自动曝光锁定按钮时,取景器相将变暗。The viewfinder image will darken when the previewAE lock button is pressed.