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加上轮胎印儿。Plus tire tracks.

我的轮胎没气了。I have a flat tire.

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我没有备用轮胎。I have no spare tire.

每辆车子应带一个备胎。Our car had a flat tire.

左后轮胎气不够了。The left rear tire is low.

这里还有一个备用轮胎。There's a spare tire here.

他累得一步也挪不动了。He too tire to move a step.

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我的自行车有一个台胞了。My bicycle has a flat tire.

轮胎式起重机是起重机的一种类型。Tire crane is a type of crane.

两队以二比二平。Both team tire tied at two-all.

今天早晨我的轮胎瘪了。I had a flat tire this morning.

那次轮胎爆胎费了我一个小时。That flat tire cost me an hour.

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左内机轮差不多更换了。Almost replaced left inside tire.

这些古典名著我百读不厌。I never tire of reading classics.

请给这辆车装一个新轮胎。Please fit a new tire to the CAR.

经常检查轮胎气压和胎面。Check your tire pressure and tread.

他就是山东银宝轮胎集团。This is Shandong YinBao Tire Group.

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听她的故事,我从不感到厌倦。I never tire of hearing her stories.

至少备用轮胎还是好的。At least the spare tire is still good.

而当我厌倦了这渎神的玩笑。And when I tire of these impious jokes.