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杰文斯夫人就是这样一位母亲。Jarvis was one such mother.

爱丽丝—阿扎尼亚贾维斯给我们上了一课。Alice-Azania Jarvis takes a lesson

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贾维斯说,这种定义太过简单化。Jarvis says this definition is too tidy.

相比之下,贾维斯却以轻松的心态来看待这些问题。By contrast, Jarvis approaches these questions with delight.

保罗·贝塔尼在两小时之内录好了JARVIS的所有台词。Paul Bettany' recorded all his lines as JARVIS in two hours.

安娜贾维斯是公认的美国母亲节的创始人。Anna Jarvis is recognised as the Founder of Mothers Day in US.

母亲节是由美国一位名叫安娜.贾维斯的女士所发起的。Mother's Day is founded by an American lady called Ana Jarvis.

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贾维斯指出,最早期的书籍错漏百出。Jarvis points out that the earliest books were riddled with errors.

贾维斯欣然同意,但是他注意到一个小文人也需要挣钱。Jarvis readily agrees, but he notes that a scribbler needs to get paid.

贾维斯写到,或许我们看待问题的角度刚好颠倒了。Maybe we are looking through the wrong end of the telescope, Jarvis writes.

美国卡普罗克风险管理公司高级分析师克里斯·贾维斯说。American Kapp Rock Risk management Company senior analyst Chris Jarvis said.

两年前,Jarvis开始运作一个全系统气候变化反应项目。Two years ago Jarvis launched a system-wide Climate Change Response Program.

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贾维斯也可以按命令播放音乐,或者根据具体情况也可以选择不播放。Jarvis can also play music on command -- or choose not to, as the case may be.

水利法规,贾维斯说,通常是问题的一部分而非问题的解决方案。Water laws, Jarvis said, are often part of the problem instead of the solution.

1905年5月5日,贾维丝夫人去世,安娜决心要表示对母亲的敬意。When Mrs. Jarvis died on May 5, 1905, Anna made up her mind to honor her mother.

有些人拥护隐私,而杰夫•贾维斯却提倡公开。Privacy has its advocates. Jeff Jarvis has made himself an advocate for publicness.

这又是一个难以回答的问题,杰尔维·劳雷先生退下去研究它去了。This being another question hard to answer, Mr. Jarvis Lorry withdrew to consider it.

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西弗吉尼亚州格拉弗顿区的安。贾维斯女士首先想到应该有一个特殊的日子向母亲致以敬意。Ann Jarvis from Grafton, West Virginia, had started the idea to have a day to honor mothers.

去年,当她搬回洛杉矶时,嘉维斯女士把最后一封包裹亲手交给了她的朋友。Last year, when she moved back to Los Angeles, Ms. Jarvis hand-delivered the last package to her friend.

劳里先生走近了老人。“马内特医生,您不记得我了吗,贾维斯·劳里?”他轻声地问道。Mr Lorry moved closer to the old man. 'Dr Manette, don't you remember me, Jarvis Lorry?' he asked gently.