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学学梵文或象形文吧。Learn Sanskrit or hieroglyphics instead.

这些梵语文本应该转译过来。The Sanskrit text had to be transliterated.

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在梵语中,维迪亚是“知识”的意思。In ancient Sanskrit word, Vidya means "knowledge."

麦森开始步入社会时是个梵文学者。Masson began his public life as a Sanskrit scholar.

梵语和北印度语所用的一种音节体。A syllabic script used in writing sanskrit and hindi.

般怛啰也是梵语,翻译中文叫“伞盖”。Bo da la is also Sanskrit and translates as "canopy."

我们将以一句特别的梵文问候语结束脑——“双手合十”。We'll end with a special Sanskrit GREeting—"namaste."

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梵文意义是弓的形状,弯曲的。The Sanskrit word dhanur means bow-shaped, curved or bent.

梵语的真言也是一种基于声音的神秘能量。Sanskrit mantra is a mystical energy encased in a sound structure.

受到梵语的影响,整个古老社会的语言发生了变化。Languages changed all over the ancient world, influenced by Sanskrit.

我不懂,但也没必要懂一个梵文字。I could not, nor had I the need to, understand a word of the Sanskrit.

不过,如果要追溯到它的源头,我们得细数一系列语言——拉丁语,希腊语,阿拉伯语,波斯语以及梵语。But it goes back to Latin and Greek and Arabic and Persian and Sanskrit.

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“缘”在梵语中解释为“原因”,和“因”一起合称为“因缘”。"Edge" in Sanskrit as "reasons", and "because" with the co-called "karma.

印度的梵文经典已经散佚失传了,残留下来的很少。However, the Indian Sanskrit versions have been largely lost with few remaining.

你不必用梵文或藏文-你可以用英文。You don't have to practice it in Sanskrit or Tibetan—you can practice in English.

有史料证明有崇信梵文佛典的小乖佛教存在。There is evidence of the existence of some Hinayana Buddhism of the Sanskrit canon.

如果一位梵文学者用梵语对我说话,我会跟着他说,但我自己却不能说。If a pundit speaks to me in Sanskrit I can follow him, but I cannot speak it myself.

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梵语和德拉威语也是相互影响。There has also been reciprocal influence between Sanskrit and the Dravidian languages.

梵语古典文学是在吠陀和史诗的基础上发展起来的。The classic Sanskrit literature flourished on the basis of the Vedic and Epic literature.

他们还告诉我在庙的入口处还有个写着梵文的匾额。They even say that there is a plaque at the entrance to the temple with Sanskrit writing.