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一个朝下的又深又潮的黑洞。Down the deep damp dark dank den.

这阴暗潮湿的山洞使我感到心惊肉跳。The dark, dank cave gave me the willies.

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见了你憔悴的姿容,大地也含悲而湿润。As the dank earth weeps at thy languishment.

李维斯其实并不喜欢这些寒冷而潮湿的洞穴。Cold, dank caverns are actually not to Reeves’ liking.

白发同他的黑皮肤形成鲜明的对比。His white hair was in sharp contrast to his dank skin.

夜还很黑,空中有些湿冷的雾气,心中更觉得渺茫。The pitch darkness and the dank mist made him feel more lost.

他的毯子盖在他的鼻子上,防御着湿冷的空气。His blanket was over his nose to protect him from the dank air.

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他用手抹抹前额,额上满是湿漉漉粘糊糊的汗珠。He passed his hand across his forehead. It was dank with clammy sweat.

他用手抹抹前额,额上满是湿漉漉粘糊糊的汗珠。He passed his hand across his forehead. it was dank with clammy sweat.

这个黑色椅子固定在一个圆形的木制平台上,摆放在一个阴冷的小房子里。The black chair sits on a round wooden platform in a small, dank room.

报纸将这些女性吃、睡、排泄的屋子形容为“阴冷、臭味熏天的”。It described the rooms the women ate, slept and defecated in as dank and smelly.

在1994年,这条河可能就是冥河--通往另一个世界的阴湿之路。In 1994, it might as well have been the River Styx—a dank passageway to the underworld.

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“哈比•旦克”是海伦•加纳借以总结自己写作生涯第一阶段的一支曲子。Habe Dank is a song used by Helen Gamer to conclude the first stage of her writing career.

在漆黑的洞穴里,手持光剑的黑勋爵达斯·维达出现在路克面前。In the dank cavern, an image of Darth Vader appeared before Luke, brandishing a lightsaber.

但是空气中有野蒜和酢浆草的香味,玉兰花正含苞欲放。But the fragrant dank beckoned with wild garlic, wood sorrel and magnolia still tight in the bud.

监狱,一个冰冷、潮湿的场所,在它服务的29年间见证了许多谋杀、暴动和自杀。The prison, a cold, dank hellhole, saw many murders, riots, and suicides during its 29 years of service.

这时天空突然阴云密布,刺鼻的硫磺味和死鱼的腐臭味随风而来。But now the clouds clamped down and a sharp scent of sulfur and putrid fish wafted on a dank puff of air.

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气候温暖湿润的鄂东南山区,潮湿是当地传统民居面临的一大问题。In worm and dank Southeast Hubei, aquosity is a big problem that the traditional dwellings have to be faced with.

卡米儿伸手指了指尸体堆后面一个阴暗潮湿的角落,塔利萨克医生正在那里恭候他们的到来。Camille pointed the way over a carpet of corpses to a dank corner of the immense chamber, where Talisac awaited them.

格雷伯克用魔杖轻轻一敲,打开了门,把他们推进了一个潮湿发霉的房间,里面一片漆黑。Greyback unlocked it with a tap of his wand, then forced them into a dank and musty room and left them in total darkness.