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记得关掉汽车发动机。Remember rto kill the gar engine.

服务水平协议,RPO,RTOService level agreements, RPO, RTO

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记得明天给我带一些钱来。Remember rto bring me some money tomorrow.

在审计之前,供应商完成了自我评估。Prior rto the audit, suppliers complete a Self-Assessment.

主动承担新的项目礏——但不要让自己超负荷。Volunteer rto take on new projects—but don't overload yourself.

巴西南部一城市,为波尔多·艾莱格雷城的一个郊区。人口213,999。A city of southern Brazil, a suburb of P?rto Alegre. Population, 213,999.

保持沉默让大家以为你是个傻瓜比开口说话让大家确定你是傻瓜要好多了。Better rto remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

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卫星软件属于安全关键性系统,对于实时操作系统的需求具有安全关键性的特征。The on-board software belong to safety-critical field and have the requirements of RTO.

年代中期以前,地质学特征的遥感主要是通过对胶片上图像的解读。Prior rto the mid-1960's the interpretation of film images was the primary means for remote sensing of the Earth's geologic features.

与缬草相类,洋甘菊作为一种天然草药,已长期被用于治疗多种疾病,从肠胃不适到睡眠不足都有。Similar rto valerian, chamomile is a natural herb that has been used for years to treat many health problems from stomach distress to lack of sleep.

在手术之前,李奕霏接受记者采访时表示她很担心手术可能带来的一系列风险或者疼痛,但是同时她也表示为了变美,一切都是值得的。Prior rto the operation, Li told reporters that she was nervous about the surgery and for the pain which would follow, but in her words, "for beauty it is worth it."

在一个案例中,反腐败局指责马哈拉施特拉邦,包括孟买公路运输局通过低估车辆价值收取4000卢比的贿赂,这样车主就能少缴税。In a separate case, the bureau accuses top RTO officials in Maharashtra state, encompassing Mumbai, of taking bribes of up to 40,000 rupees to undervalue vehicles so owners would pay lower taxes.

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研究了一种采用非水溶液电解法与RTO金属包埋切片微米-纳米表征法联合分析钢中非金属夹杂物的新方法,该方法全过程对夹杂物不产生任何损伤破坏作用。A new analysis method is introduced on inclusions in steel in this paper, by the method of electrolysis of nonaqueous solution associated with RTO metal embeds cutting film micron-nano token method.