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我伸懒腰。I stretch out.

粗纱伸长。Stretch in roving.

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这是一个延伸。That is a stretch.

拨号,然后拿开。Dial, then stretch.

热身和伸展运动。Warm up and stretch.

我站了起来,伸了个懒腰。I stand up and stretch.

先伸伸懒腰。First, stretch yourself.

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那是权力的滥用。It's a stretch of power.

生皮伸得长。Raw leather will stretch.

又打哈欠又伸懒腰。A yawn followed a stretch.

腰大肌牵张试验显阴性。Psoas stretch is negative.

检验沙发的回弹力。The test sofa back stretch.

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我们都得伸伸手脚了。We all need a good stretch.

这次是他展现才华的唯一。And this was only a stretch.

别把头伸到窗外。Don't stretch your head out.

然而,这是一项持久战。That, however, is a stretch.

请拉紧网球网。Stretch a tennis net, please.

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这双弹力袜多少钱?。How much is the stretch socks?

热身后再做拉伸运动。Stretch After You're Warmed-up.

伸伸你的胳膊和腿。Stretch out your arms and legs.