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向外,向整个大宇宙去寻求共鸣。It seeks for resonance from macrocosm.

微观世界和宏观世界界线在哪里?。Microcosmos and macrocosm boundary line where?

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大宇宙和小宇宙法则无限的第一法则。The Law Of Macrocosm and Microcosm is the first Law of infinity.

普里戈金的时间观念认为,宏观世界的时间存在具有方向性,是单向的、不可逆的。In terms of Prigogine's time concept, time of the macrocosm is unidirectional and irreversible.

该方法从局部到整体,以全新的视角研究了报刊亭个性化定制设计的方法。This method is a new angle of view for the newspaper kiosk design which from part to macrocosm.

宏观宇宙和微观宇宙都得到重建,无论是天球或是分子和晶体都开始显形。Macrocosm and microcosm are recreated, both the celestial sphere and molecular and crystalline forms.

其中应遵循的方法论原则主要有主体性原则、人本性原则、整体性原则、持续性原则、前瞻性原则。We should keep to the principle of main body human nature macrocosm sustainable and prospective methodology.

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它是在人类迫切要求与微观世界和宏观世界取得联系的过程中诞生的。The naissance of music derives from the connection of urgent needs of human beings and microcosm and macrocosm.

本文从宏观层面探讨了社会流动机制的变迁对农村生育率的影响。The paper discusses the changes of social mobility mechanism' effects on fertility rate in rural from macrocosm.

战役全域空间内战场损伤的产生及分布是典型的非确定性难题。The production and distribution of battlefield injury in campaign macrocosm is a typical non-deterministic problem.

刘勰的意象批评自上而下,由宏观到微观,密密层层,交织成为一个有机的理论体系。Liu Hsieh's image criticism, related to macrocosm and microcosm, interweaves them into an organic theoretical system.

对产业集群升级的研究有一个从宏观到微观多层次多角度系统的认识。The research of cluster promotion has a multi-level and multiple perspectives system understanding from macrocosm to microcosm.

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由于体育团队凝聚力既是一个结构整体也是一个开放系统,所以它的影响因素既有队内的也有队外的。STC is a macrocosm as well as an opening system so the influencing factors on it exist inside and outside the team simultaneously.

连贯呈现出显性与隐性、静态性与动态性、微观性与宏观性的二元性特征。Coherence enjoys in nature the dichotomy between explicitness and implicitness, stability and dynamics, and microcosm and macrocosm.

发展性教学要求在学生的发展的全域空间的不同侧面、不同层次上都要有所体现。Developmental teaching and learning demands that it should be embodied in all profiles and levels of the student's development macrocosm space.

并在此基础上,从宏观和微观两个角度,剖析了数学言语的特性,阐述了数学言语的教育功能。Base on these , the characteristics and educational function of mathematical speech are analyzed from the two points of view of macrocosm and microcosm.

在实践过程中研究人员发现,作战能力指数法拥有其他方法不具备的宏观性和快速性优势。In practice, the researchers find that method of operation capability indexilized has the dominance of macrocosm and celerity which other means doesn't have.

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本论文题目来源于国家自然科学基金项目“半导体特性FDTD全域建模”中的热模型分析。The topic of this paper originates from the research "Semiconductor Property FDTD Modeling in Macrocosm", which is aided by the National Nature Science Fund.

县域经济作为宏观与微观结合的中观层面,随着市场经济的发展已越来越引起大家的重视。With the development of the market economy, the economy of county region, as an integrated part of macrocosm and microcosm, has been more and more attaching importance to.

随着近代物理科学的发展,当代实在论思想也发生了从中世纪的形而上学实在论向关注关系、整体与认识行为的近代实在论的转向。With the development of modern physics, the focus of modern realism changes from medieval metaphysic to modern realism concerning more about relation, macrocosm and cognitive behavior.