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废物箱在这里。Here is rubbish receptacle.

垃圾箱、待洗衣物袋、废纸箱。A receptacle for litter, washing, waste paper.

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但这个葡萄酒瓶是我那封信的安全容器。But the wine bottle was a safe receptacle for my message.

请将烟蒂放入提供旳盛器里。Please put your cigarette ends into the receptacle provided.

飞行员掀动开关关闭受油口舱盖。The pilot flips a switch and the fuel receptacle door closes.

我们巴彻斯特的妇女会给它竖立起一个合适的座子的。We ladies of Barchester will erect for it a fitting receptacle.

我们巴彻斯特的妇女会给它竖立起一个合适的座子的。We ladies of Barchester will erect for it a fitting receptacle.

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成虫喜产卵于巳开放之花朵的花托外表皮内。The adult likes to lay eggs in the exocuticle of the receptacle.

在花托和子房上面只剩下花柱。Only the styles are left sticking up from the receptacle and ovary.

让漱口液自然流出,流到容器内。The fluid should drain by the natural action and into the receptacle.

无印是一个容器,吸纳他们作为设计师和普通人的经验。MUJI is a receptacle for their experiences as designers and as people.

子房凹入杯状花托中并且与之合生。The ovary appears to have sunk into and fused with the cup-shaped receptacle.

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虽然该单位已关闭,即插即用控制器到漏电开关电器插座。While the unit is off, plug the controller into a GFCI electrical receptacle.

在IBM令牌环网中,一个入口单元的发送或输出插座。In the IBM Token-Ring Network, the transmit or output receptacle on an access unit.

滴灌循环是,部分电线悬挂的水平以下的盛器。The drip loop is that part of the cord which hangs below the level of the receptacle.

我的工作就是把从顾客手中收来的每张票都扔在一个金属箱子里。I was supposed to drop each ticket that I took from a customer into a metal receptacle.

滴咖啡,热水从咖啡中滤过,滴入容器。In the drip method, hot water is filtered through coffee and drippedsintosa receptacle.

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擦洗浴缸后面、皂盒下方以及淋浴房内的墙壁。Wipe down the walls behind baths, under the SOAP receptacle and inside shower cubicles.

容器用清洁织布覆盖,插座防尘密封。The container has to be covered with a clean cloth, making the receptacle dustproof sealed.

如果你要进行野炊,请结束后用水熄灭煤炭,然后把它扔在指定的容器里。If you have a cookout, extinguish coals with water and discard them in a designated receptacle.