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而且得多洗几遍。A few times.

没有茶歇时间。No tea times.

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所有时间为澳大利亚东部时间。All times in AEDT.

他死了27次了。He's died 27 times.

重复做15-20次。Repeat 15-20 times.

了解你的黄金时间。Know your key times.

连干了三次。Even did three times.

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我想念那些旧时光。I miss the old times.

这些就是黑暗时代These are dark times.

挡次更加高。Block times more high.

二乘五等于一十。Two times five is ten.

我们六次转到陆上运输。We portaged six times.

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她结了五次婚。She married five times.

难挨的时光终将过去。Trying times will pass.

难捱的时光终将过去。Trying times will past.

权当这些是正常时间。Call these normal times.

我哭了三次。I cryed for third times.

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不,七十个七次。No, seventy times seven.

乘以B的质量摩尔浓度。Times the molality of B.

2乘以4得8。Two times four is eight.