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我是从职业学校出来的。I am from a vocational school.

重视职业教育。Emphasis on vocational education.

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一直以来,担任高职班的英语教学。I have taught English in the vocational class.

现供职于威海职业学院。Presently serves in Weihai Vocational College.

对于职业培训来讲也存在风险。There are dangers in vocational training, too.

大力发展职业教育。We will vigorously develop vocational education.

你在职业技术学院学的是什么专业?What subject did you study in vocational school?

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职业训练局。版权所有。Vocational Training Council. All rights reserved.

他们把业务学习时间固定下来。They have set a regular time for vocational study.

我们了解了一些公立中专学校。We have looked at public school vocational programs.

我是XX职业技术学校的学生,我学的是XX。I am a XX vocational school student, I majored in XX.

美国人持特有的、歧视职业教育的心态。America has a unique disdain for vocational education.

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妇女接受一些职业技能训练,比如缝纫。Women were learning vocational skills, such as sewing.

中文教师在工科类高职院校真的无事可做吗?What can teachers of Chinese do in vocational colleges?

另外,加拿大也有很多社区学院和职业培训学院。As well, Canada has many colleges and vocational schools.

茂名市劳动和社会保障局职业。Labor and Social Security Bureau Special Seal vocational.

齐齐哈尔职业学院的每一名学生,都是最棒的!Qiqihar Vocational College's every student, are the best!

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她在职业学校受过速成训练。She was given some quick training at the vocational school.

三是继续加强职业教育。Third, we will continue to strengthen vocational education.

阿坝州职业教育面临着发展的大好时机。Vocational education in Aba State faces great opportunities.