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在墙上乱写乱画是不对的。Don't scribble on the wall.

不准你在墙上乱涂乱画。You are not to scribble on the wall.

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我潦草的字迹越来越难辨认。It's getting harder to read my scribble.

严禁破坏公物,禁止在墙上乱写乱画。Stop vandalism. Don't scribble on walls.

找时间把这些制成卡片或是垫板。Turn these into cards or scribble pads later.

在看客的观赏间,美丽的女士跃然纸上。As they watch the ladies, they scribble on paper.

“太多的隧道,”我在早餐菜单上涂写着。"Too many tunnels!" I scribble on the breakfast menu.

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他也卷起袖子,为钱乱写一通。He too would roll up his sleeves and scribble for money.

提供些粗蜡笔及厚纸任孩子涂鸦。Offer your child thick crayons and paper to scribble on.

我有很多日记本什么都没写,除了乱写乱画。I have tons of journals filled with nothing but scribble.

这是一本有着独一无二的思想和敏锐的措辞的涂鸦。This is a Scribble With Unique Thougts and Incisive Words.

在这种乱画乱写中,孩子开始了他们最初的涂鸦实验。In this scribble scrawl, children start their initial graffiti experiment.

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你们可能不太喜欢笔记太乱吧You might wanna not scribble quite so much on your own notebook, but still.

在仙人洞村,最有趣的民俗游戏就是”抹花脸”。In the Celestial Being Cave, the most interesting folk game is to scribble face.

爱护公共财物,不准在图书上乱涂乱画。不得撕毁书页。Protect public property. DO not scribble on the pages of books or tear them out.

我敢说,第一次看到的人都会觉得这个是在乱搞,乱画。I dare say, for the first time people will see that this is messing around, scribble.

约300米,埃菲尔铁塔附近世界各地的人们来此涂鸦。Some 300 meters up, near the Eiffel Tower's wind-whipped summit the world comes to scribble.

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你们可以做笔记,但是没有必要,把屏幕上所有的东西都记下来。You can actually take notes and don't have to scribble everything down that you see on the screen.

我在上面随便写些我的想法、驾驶路径、需要检索的话题、买菜单子、在yelp.com上找到的饭店。I scribble ideas, driving directions, topics to google, grocery lists, restaurants found on

涂膜机采用平膜挤出法生产各种复合布。Scribble membrane machine adopts flat membrane pushing out method to produce various compound cloths.