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你的工作是苦差吗?Is your work drudgery?

自由设计算是苦差还是一种消遣?Is it drudgery or a stress-free job?

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生活摆脱了取水的苦工。Lives are lifted from the drudgery of fetching water.

如果只为工作和劳役,生命就会变得无尽的漫长。Were it for work and drudgery it would be endlessly long.

许多节省劳力的设备于妇女摆脱掉乏味的厨房杂役。Labor-saving devices have emancipated women from kitchen drudgery.

这种下贱的差使,根本用不着劳“黑暗之王”的大驾。The Prince of Darkness does not condescend to such cheap drudgery.

我恐怕会觉得教初学者音乐是个单调沈闷的工作。I am afraid that I should find it drudgery to teach music to beginners.

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让穷人摆脱苦工只需要一个屋顶、一个檐槽和一个水箱。All it takes is a roof, a gutter and a tank to lift the poor out of drudgery.

纵有再多的欺骗、苦难和心碎的梦,这世界美丽如昔。With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.

一天又一天,帕蒂和我不厌其烦地朗诵一遍又一遍。她任劳任怨。Day after day, Patty and I plodded through recitals. She accepted the drudgery.

对代码进行重大更改总是一个苦差事而且是一个易出错的过程。Making massive changes to code is always a drudgery and an error-prone process.

这种心理如今依然存在,而且它堆起了无用苦工的大山。This sentiment still survives, and it has piled up mountains of useless drudgery.

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多数无所事事的阔佬免遭从事单调乏味工作之苦,但代价是莫名其妙的无聊。Most of the idle rich suffer unspeakable boredom as the price of their freedom from drudgery.

在其他情况下,更广泛地使用简单机械可以减少单调的苦工并改善效率。In other cases, the wider use of simple machines could reduce drudgery and improve efficiency.

这就是为什么当我看到有些学生不喜欢学习科学和数学时替他们感到伤心。Which is why I am distressed when I meet students who approach science and math with drudgery.

一直埋没于杯盘碟子,尿布和杂务之间的创作火花现在迸发出生命之光。The creative spark that had been buried under dishes, diapers and drudgery now flamed into life.

他们喜欢和那些聪明有才能的人一起合作,工作不再繁重乏味的苦差。They enjoy collaborating with others who are smart and talented, and work is no longer drudgery.

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所以,你也可以利用任何好东西、美味糕点或小礼物,来帮你度过日复一日的辛劳。Use whatever little goodie, or treat, or gift that will get you through the day-to-day drudgery.

这是些小的,次要的工蚁,蚁群里最苦最繁重的差事,都是她们在干。The minor workers, the little ones, are the workhorses that do most of the drudgery of the colony.

对于那些在语言学习上没有什么才华的人来说,学习一门外语可能是一份单调沉闷的苦差事。Many believe that studying a foreign language could be a drudgery for those who are not talented in it.