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狮子给我的印象尤深。Particularly lions.

尤其是阿尔及利亚人?Particularly Algerians?

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他并不特别聪明。He is not particularly clever.

退休费问题是特别棘手的。Pensions are particularly tricky.

上个月就更是惨不忍睹了。Last month was particularly cruel.

掷骰子游戏特别普遍。Dice games are particularly popular.

这酸橙咖喱菜非常辣。This lime curry is particularly hot.

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你说是乐曲,更准确说是节拍of the piece, particularly the beat.

叶理特别发育。Foliation is particularly pronounced.

他特别看好大米和食糖。He particularly likes rice and sugar.

我不想要一个大车。I don't want a big car, particularly.

医生尤是如此。This is particularly true of doctors.

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亚洲鲤鱼尤其危险。Asian carp are particularly dangerous.

我并不大喜欢讨论会。I do not particularly like symposiums.

特别是在武鸣的小书吧!Wuming particularly in the small book!

我对英国文学有独钟。I particularly like English literature.

特别是在建筑界。Particularly in the construction field.

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这种情况尤以亚洲为甚。This is particularly important in Asia.

他的好脾气被特别地注意。His good humor was particularly noticed.

我不认为对科克利而言也需要特别。I don't think it's particularly Coakley.