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现在你是作恶者。You are the wrongdoer now.

法官对这个犯人很宽大。The judge was lenient with the wrongdoer.

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做坏事的人经常提心吊胆,因为怕被人发觉。A wrongdoer is constantly haunted by fear of discovery.

作恶者经常害怕被发觉。A wrongdoer is constantly haunted by the fear of discovery.

犯了道德错误的人会被同僚和选民喜欢吗?Is the wrongdoer well liked by colleagues and constituents?

他是神的用人、是伸冤的、刑罚那作恶的。He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.

一个罪犯对违法之事洗手不干真的有那么难吗?Is it really so hard for a wrongdoer to wash his hands of illegal activities?

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侵权行为多半根据做坏事者过错的严重性来分类。Torts may be classified according to the gravity of the fault of the wrongdoer.

美国或欧盟法律并没有阻止对原违法者提出起诉或指控。Nothing under the U.S. or E.U. law prevents prosecution or claims against the original wrongdoer.

即使有人不公正地对待高价值的人,高价值的人也仍然尊重他。Even if a person has wronged a high-value individual, the wrongdoer is still treated with respect.

却要把沉重的担子压在罪人的良心上,用觉悟的利箭刺透他们的心灵。He lays heavy burdens upon the conscience of the wrongdoer , and pierces the soul with arrows of conviction.

整个过程让我感觉到从一开始我和个罪犯一样,但这件事让我感觉恶心,不仅仅是罚钱本身。The whole process made me feel like a wrongdoer from the beginning and that disgusted me more than just the money itself.

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欺诈客户行为给客户造成损失的,行为人应当依法承担赔偿责任。Where defrauding of a client causes losses to the client, the wrongdoer shall be held liable for the losses pursuant to law.

大体上来讲,法院不能够主动提起追究违法者责任的诉讼,只能判有过错的一方就其损害给付损害赔偿金。Generally, the court does not seek to punish the wrongdoer but rather to make the wronged party whole through a money award called damages.

对违法情节轻微并及时纠正未造成危害后果的,不予行政处罚。If the offense is minor, and corrected in time, and has not caused harm and damage, the wrongdoer shall be exempted from administrative punishment.

公平责任应当以公平为价值目标,以直接的加害行为作为归责基础,而以衡平作为最终确定加害人损害赔偿额的手段。Fairness is deemed as the principle's value, direct injury as the base of culpability and equity as the last resort to determine the amount of damages paid by the wrongdoer.

金融诈骗罪的行为人主观上是否必须具备“非法占有目的”以及金融诈骗罪的主观罪过形式是认定此类犯罪必须正确把握的问题。Whether the wrongdoer of the financial crime subjectively meets the requirements of illegal possession and the subjective guilt is a problem that must be correctly addressed.

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离婚损害赔偿对导致离婚的过错方,令其承担一定的财产责任,以示法律对其过错的惩戒。To the wrongdoer who causes the divorce, divorce compensation for damage makes him or her to hear certain property responsibilities, which shows the law punishment for the faults.