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地中海的明珠。The Mediterranean jewel.

地中海的热浪炙烤着英国。Britain bakes in a Mediterranean heatwave.

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爱得林来到地中海的一座别墅中。Adrien goes to a villa on the Mediterranean.

地中海的气候很宜人。Climate in the Mediterranean is very pleasant.

直布罗陀海峡是地中海的咽喉要道。Gibraltar is the key to the Mediterranean Sea.

地中海位于欧州、非洲和亚洲之间。Mediterranean lies among Europe, Africa and Asia.

清除星夜在地中海东部。Clear starry night over the eastern Mediterranean.

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在地中海上,雅典熠熠生辉。Athens shining brightly along the Mediterranean Sea.

地中海是在欧非两洲之间。The Mediterranean is between two continents Ou Feis.

这座海港城市有可爱的地中海景观。The port town has lovely views of the Mediterranean.

如你所知,塞普路斯是地中海的岛国。Cyprus, as you know, is an island in the Mediterranean.

卡玛格一直延伸到地中海的阳光海岸。Camargue extends to the sunny shores of the Mediterranean.

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这是地中海海岸,在这里希律国王曾建了一个城市。This is Mediterranean coast where King Herod built a city.

一种古时在地中海内靠桨推进的远洋轮船。An ancient Mediterranean seagoing vessel propelled by oars.

几艘军舰正在地中海上游弋。Several warships are cruising around the Mediterranean Sea.

在地中海盆地中,抹香鲸并非没有被“听见”过。These animals are not unheard of in the Mediterranean basin.

到了冬天,它们就向南飞到地中海地区越冬。And when winter comes, they all fly south to the Mediterranean.

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他从未想过地中海或拿波里湾。He never thought of the Mediterranean Sea or the Bay of Naples.

怪石嶙峋的卡西斯悬崖从地中海中拔地而起。The jagged cliffs of Cassis drop down to the Mediterranean Sea.

地中海气候具有其特殊性These are the ones that are typical of a Mediterranean climate.