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闪光的东西不一定是金子。All that glitters is noy gold.

巧克力和糖果对牙齿不好。Chocolate and sweets noy good for you teeth.

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没过多久我就了解到了真相。It was noy long before i realized the truth.

我不仅熟悉她,还是她最好的朋友。Noy only did I know her, but I was her best friend.

而在诺伊看来,害怕是很自然的,也是意料之中的。According to Noy , fear is both natural and expected.

毛,来聊聊我的公司,我的设备和我的管理人员?Ok, here ao, noy pany, my machines and my management?

在不久后的一天,我和我爸爸去钓鱼。One day noy long afterwards, my dad and I wewe fishing.

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豚豚说有钱的人不一定满足,但知足的人却是富人。Wealth may noy bring contentment, while the contented are rich.

哦,原来芒果还有这样的作用啊,我还不知道呢,我现在就在牙马加,而且有一棵芒果就在我后院,所以从现在开始,我要每天吃点芒果了。right the mango i did noy know about i'm in jamaica and a mango tree is right in my back yard so i'll be eating mango evry day now.

诺亚白兰地采用经典的法国技术酿制而成,畅销美国、德国、俄罗斯乃至法国。Brandy Noy manufactured by classical French technology of Cognac province, is exported to USA, Germany, Russian Federation and even to France.

本文介绍了NOY高速纺丝机纺丝组件的结构特征,结合生产提出技术改造方案及其生产应用情况。The paper states the feature and technical innovation of the spinneret pack on NOY high speed spinning machine, as well as results of its application.

实验表明,该算法不但更好地保持了种群多样性,而且有效地提高了检测器集的生成速度。The experimental results showed that the algorithm noy only retains the diversity of population but also increases the generating efficiency of detector.