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到底什么是骑士?What is a biker?

我是一名狂热的山地车手。I'm an avid mountain biker.

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花一两个晚上泡在骑行族酒吧里。Spend an evening or two in a biker bar.

提供大台北区车友团体讨论交流的大厅。Provide Taipei , Keelung , Ilan biker communion area.

看见她一身赛车手打扮,我一时没反应过来。I did a double-take when I saw her dressed in biker 's gear.

装有身份证的小盒被追踪到了,车手用手挖出了它。The homing case is located, and the biker digs up the ID card.

你在说什么啊?"What are you talkin' about?!" the biker says, disbelievingly.

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啊,小心!刚才我们差点儿和那个骑自行车的撞了个正着。Oh, watch out! We just avoided a major collision with that biker.

在英格兰的达特穆尔国家公园中,一位山地自行车爱好从正在小路上穿行。A mountain biker rides a trail in England’s Dartmoor National Park.

尼奇是职业山地自行车手,居住在澳大利亚的悉尼。Niki is a professional mountain biker. She lives in Sydney, Australia.

一个医生一个律师和一个摩托车手在酒吧里喝酒。Three men were drinking at a bar -- a doctor, an attorney and a biker.

太多摩托车手酒吧用酒水灌满车手们,然后让他们飞飚回家。Too many biker bars load riders up on liquor and send them speeding home.

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“是的先生,我有呢!”一名骑车男子站起来答道,“它怎么了?”"Yes sir, I have! " a biker man standed up and said. "What happened to him?"

这位铁杆自行车手在40岁时就戒了酒,他对自己的健康状况很有信心。An avid biker who quit drinking at 40, Bush prides himself on his physical fitness.

有情报说14号高速公路南边的十字路口附近有飞车党殴斗!We've got reports of biker gangs fighting near the intersection of Highway 14 south!

近十五年以来,这个骑着机车的歹徒一直是机车运动的主流形象。In the last fifteen years, the outlaw biker has been the dominant image for motorcycling.

如果你想要自己的自定义骑车人的艺术,接触烂卡通,我会引你的权利。If you want your own custom biker art, contact Rotten Toons and I will quote you right away.

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有时她们就是不想知道父母可能潜藏已久的摩托车手情结。Sometimes they just don't want to know about any latent biker fantasies a parent might have.

我们在州里几乎所有的老兵俱乐部,银行开业典礼,摩托车酒吧包括下等酒店里表演过。We sang at Veterans clubs and bank openings, and biker bars and honky-tonks all over the state.

自行车上的男孩伤势严重,承受着巨大的痛苦和惊吓,鲜血不断从伤口涌出。The biker was badly hurt, in a lot of pain, and frightened. Blood was pouring out of his wounds.