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你需要有至少3年的网站整合制作的工作经验。You cumulate at least 3 years of experience as an integrator.

你需要有至少5年的网站整合制作的工作经验。You cumulate at least 5 years of experience as an integrator.

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本文给出一种新型的有源相位补偿差动积分电路。A novel active phase compensated differential integrator is given.

光亮积算器,自动计算所需光源。The luminous integrator automatically calculates the required light.

积分增益是积分电路的一个重要参数。The integrating gain is a very important parameter of integrator circuit.

CRSC因此被国家指定为“中国城市轨道交通信号系统总成单位”。So CRSC was appointed as mass transit signal system integrator by the state.

该积分器的时间常数由参考偏置电流控制。The integrator time constant is tunable by varying a reference bias current.

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数据集成系统主要由监视智能代理和集成器两部分组成。Data integration system consists of monitoring intelligent agent and integrator.

提出了基于多输入CMOS差分对数域积分器的滤波器。Filter based on multi-input CMOS differential log-domain integrator is presented.

古德里奇是F-35战斗机起落架系统的独家供应商。Goodrich is the exclusive landing gear system supplier and integrator for the F-35.

这些最佳实践常常属于系统集成师的专业领域。These best practices usually fall into the domain expertise of any System Integrator.

诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司也是整个通信系统的系统集成商。Northrop Grumman is also the systems integrator for the overall communications system.

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服务集成器向其他的冗余服务提供单一访问点。The service integrator provides a single point of access for otherwise redundant services.

养殖者的合同本质上是与综合企业分担成本和风险的一种方式。The grower’s contract is essentially a means of cost- and risk-sharing with the integrator.

2008年,在GSIS选定了Questronix作为系统集成商后,业务实现得以全力进行。Full swing implementation was in 2008 after GSIS tapped systems integrator Questronix Corporation.

而第三种模式是关于将虚拟提供者带到下一层,作为服务集成器。And the third is about taking the virtual provider to the next level and act as a service integrator.

如果要保持系统稳定该附加的积分器必须相应增加至少一个零点。This additional integrator must be accompanied by at least one zero if the system is to remain stable.

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主要叙述智能涡轮流量积算仪硬件和软件的设计。This article deals with the design of hardware and software of the intelligent turbine flow integrator.

然而唐律尽管是我国古代法典的集大成者,但其辉煌的背后其实隐藏了整个文明的缺陷。However, even it's a great integrator of our ancient laws, there is some crisis hidden behind its glory.

大智星火认为,开放,是作为资源整合者必须拥有的第一素质。POWERIDEA SPARKS believes openness is the single most important quality a resource integrator must have.