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是的,这听起来很刺耳。Yes, this sounds harsh.

眯着眼看那刺目的光。Blink at the harsh light.

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这一判断听来是刺耳的。That judgment seems harsh.

月亮是冷傲的情人。The moon is a harsh mistress.

但这似乎有点苛刻。But this seems a little harsh.

批评的声音也许还真是刺耳。This criticism may seem harsh.

他的脸绷得紧紧的,非常严肃。His face was harsh and serious.

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属于或关于德拉古或他残酷的法律的。Draco or his harsh code of laws.

要求是非常苛刻的豚鼠。Claim it is very harsh on cavies.

避免苛刻不敷颜色。Avoid harsh oversaturated colours.

但是在家里,他是个严厉的家长。But at home, he is a harsh parent.

你们当真是无情无义的人吗!You are really harsh right person!

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他的粗嗓门儿使我们感到刺耳。His harsh voice grates on our ears.

我在妈妈紧促的唠叨声中醒了。I was waken by my mam's harsh nags.

但其观点往往非常尖锐。But his assessments are often harsh.

空气稀薄,很难呼吸。The air was thin and harsh to breathe.

他们砍割犀角的方式非常残酷。The removal of the horn is very harsh.

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他发出的命令是坚定的但从不声色俱厉。His commands were firm but never harsh.

我喜欢柔和的粉色,不喜欢鲜艳的大红色。I like soft pink rather than harsh red.

卡刚教授的评级十分严苛“Professor Kagan is harsh with grading."