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我见到我那将寻求一个廉正一个地方!My seeing me is to seek a rightness a place!

现在两人已经公然的出双入对。Now 2 human already openly of the twice work into rightness.

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所有的努力都因您对森之韵的信任。All of effort all because of your rightness TianZhiYun of trust.

我错在哪里了,好像热心贴冷脸的是我才对啊。Where I went wrong, seemingly eager face is my post cold just rightness.

牡丹一看到这间草堂,便知道自己找对了人。The peony then knows that ego sought a rightness a human at the sight of this.

这对小夫妻是千恩万谢的离开了。This rightness of little husband and wife are thousand boons ten thousand of quit.

我感觉到我正在得到我的灵性的支持,有种正义感。I felt that I was being supported in my spirituality and felt a sense of rightness.

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宇宙并不会区分或辨别你的要求的正确或错误。The Universe is not discriminating about the rightness or the wrongness of your request.

一条老狗,一壶老酒,还有一对老来相伴的夫妻。An old dog, an old wine, also has a rightness of old come to concomitant husband and wife.

他们只是一对贫穷的夫妇,带着救命钱养家!They are just a rightness of poor husband and wife, taking to help money to support family!

让我们看一看历史上发生的一些事,就足以证明这种说法的正确性。Let's take some instances which happened in history to prove the rightness of the viewpoint.

任谁看见的,都会知道这是一对相爱至深的璧人。Allow who see of, will know that this is 1 rightness to love each other into a deep Bi person.

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七宝闻言,不禁对毕克刮目相看起来。Seven treasures smell lecture, can not aid a rightness finish gram the in assorted light get up.

他也没有给我们一个规则来调节显见正当和显见不当之间的平衡。Nor does he give us a rule for determining the 'balance' of prima facie rightness over wrongness.

仍然有很多美国人在正确与错误中挣扎。Still, some Americans are wrestling with the rightness and wrongness of the party-like responses.

因为这个理由,因为要顾到烹时的合度和洁净。For this reason, and out of consideration for the utmost rightness and cleanliness in preparation.

因此,让你和我从认识达成相互知道最终成为一个正确的爱好者!So let you and me from acquaintance with to arrive mutually know end become a rightness of lovers!

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时间走了一百多年了,现在地球上富有者们的胸怀当比恩格斯更伟大才对。Time to walk a hundred years, on the planet now their mind when wealthy than Engels greater just rightness.

在这个问题上,一个明事理的人一定也会承认,我们不可能去证明某个说法是正确的。As to this question, a reasonable people must admit that we could not prove the rightness of some past opinion.

它不会在那里去激发你们的自我或是提供无条件的支持努力使你们维护你们所谓的“正义”。It is not there to fuel your ego or to provide unconditional support in your effort to assert your "rightness".