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你可以使用&获得地址。Ampersand gets the address so you can use it.

该符号将参数识别为代码块的持有者。The ampersand identifies the parameter as the holder of a code block.

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这是您在参数名称以前与符号一同看到的语法。That's the syntax you see with the ampersand before the parameter name.

自定义符号,可以单独使用或集成的徽标内。The custom ampersand can be used alone or integrated within the logotype.

当你想得到一个变量的地址,你可以指明。So, when you want to figure out the address & of a variable, you say ampersand.

这样标题中会出现单一连字号,且不会在字元中加上底线。A single ampersand is displayed in the caption and no characters are underlined.

最后,我们将所有代码放在一对圆括号中构成一个命令列表,然后使用与号将整个列表放到后台。Finally, we put the whole lot in parentheses to make a command list and put the entire list in the background using an ampersand.

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和符号应用于名称中和符号旁边的字符,使得在显示菜单项时该字符有下划线。The ampersand applies to the next character in the name and causes the character to be underlined when the menu item is displayed.

如果你想保证两个条件都成立,或者它们两个都必须为真值,才能执行一些代码,那就使用“&&If you want to make sure both conditions are true and they both have to be true for any code to be executed, use ampersand ampersand.

如果你想保证两个条件都成立,或者它们两个都必须为真值,才能执行一些代码,那就使用“&&“If you want to make sure both conditions are true and they both have to be true for any code to be executed, use ampersand ampersand.