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什么是道德风险?What is moral hazard?

我来推测一下吧Let me hazard a guess here.

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我看不太出这与道德风险有何相似之处。Is this a form of moral hazard?

那块岩石对船只构成威胁。That rock is a hazard to ships.

你的辐射监测仪在哪里?Where is your radiation hazard meter?

我在这局宾果游戏上赌一美元。I'll hazard a dollar on the bingo game.

于是欧文开始注意“道德风险“这一现象。So, he started to discover moral hazard.

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避免这些化学品造成危害。Avoid the hazard of a chemical emergency.

但他们遭遇了道德风险这一窘境。But, the problem they hit is moral hazard.

“低危害中南海”诞生于1994年。"Low hazard Zhongnanhai" was born in 1994.

攀登岩石者有时要冒生命危险。Rock-climbers sometimes hazard their lives.

攀岩者有时冒着生命危险。Rock- climbers sometimes hazard their lives.

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但妈妈却认定奶嘴有让我窒息的危险。But Mom decided soother was a choking hazard.

菸害防制法新规定来了!New Regulation on Tobacco Hazard Control Act!

当你试图管理风险时,就会产生道德风险。When you manage risks, you create moral hazard.

一份综合险保单保所有的险。An All Risks policy covers every sort of hazard.

洪水风险图是防洪非工程措施之一。Flood hazard map is one of non-project measures.

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化学废品已成为一种主要公害。Chemical waste is becoming a major public hazard.

使得时间表混乱的另一个可能事件是恭维。Another hazard that topples schedules is flattery.

水银压力表可能产生污染破坏。A mercury manometer could cause a pollution hazard.