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阿佛烈在吃方面是有节制的。Alfred is temperate in eating.

我舅舅住在气候温和的地区。My uncle lived in the temperate zone.

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皇蛾生活于温带森林。Emperor moths live in temperate forests.

欧洲和亚洲温带一年生草。annual grass of Europe and temperate Asia.

可是北城知道自己一直都是个温和的人。But BeiJing known he is always a temperate man.

属于暖温带大陆性气候,一年四季分明。Its climate belongs to the warm temperate zone.

苹果树广植在温带地区。The apple is widely grown in temperate regions.

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全境属海洋性温带阔叶林气候。All belong to maritime climate temperate forest.

然后破晓时分我们来到一个温暖的山谷。Then at dawn we came down to a temperate valley.

这两个冬青树和常春藤在生长十分温带气候。Both holly and ivy grow abundantly in temperate climates.

除了在高原和山区地带,这儿温和的气候很少降雪。They thrive only in suitable soil and a temperate climate.

你是我的温带海洋性气候,一直都是暖暖的。You are my temperate marine climate, has always been warm.

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北温带的一种簇状多年生卷耳。Densely tufted perennial chickweed of north temperate zone.

北温带分布的群落类型是此区的主要群落类型。North Temperate communities are main community in the area.

华北地区地处北温带气候区。The north part of China belongs to northern temperate Zone.

群落的优势种以北温带分布的植物为主。Community dominanties almost all are North Temperate plants.

气候由南方的亚热带向北方的温带变化。It varies from tropical in south to cool temperate in north.

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亚洲地跨寒、温、热三带。Asia extends across the frigid, temperate and tropical zones.

事实上,主要的温带和北部森林的面积都在扩大。In fact all major temperate and boreal forests are expanding.

你是我的温带海洋性气候一直都是暖暖的。You're my temperate maritime climate being warm all the time.