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这是个人前期预设的结果。It is the outcome of presupposition.

语义预设和语义蕴涵关系。The relation of Semantic Presupposition and Semantic Entailment.

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语义预设是指命题的真值条件。Semantic presupposition is a truth-value condition of a proposition.

这是“松雪体”形成的历史前提。This is the historical presupposition of "style of Song Xue" was shaped.

预设是动词语义结构中的一个重要语义成素。Presupposition is an important component of the semantic structure of verbs.

这是对仗心理学的主要假定是没有神。That is the antithesis of psychology's main presupposition of there is no God.

蕴含和预设是句子之间两种不同的语义关系。Entailment and presupposition are different semantic relations among sentences.

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我们应该对成败认定的前题认识得很清楚。We should realize very clearly to a presupposition of recognizing success or not.

“婚姻-家庭”这一连续性预设产生了对婚姻理论自身的遮蔽。"Marriage-family" is the veil of a series of presupposition of marriage theories.

这是刚好相反,心理学的主要假定是没有神。That is the exact opposite of psychology's main presupposition of there is no God.

只是在这样的前提下,我们才能够给品位判断制定出常识。Only under such a presupposition a common sense can I lay down a judgment of taste.

例如,一篇议论文包括两个主要部分,前提和结论。For instance, an argumentation is made up of two parts, presupposition and conclusion.

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这个错误的假定,正是以往艺术定义活动失败的原因。It is just the presupposition as such that causes the failures of previous art defining.

预设是以隐含的方式内嵌于句子或语段之中的无须断言的信息或命题。Presupposition is the implicit information or proposition embedded in a sentence or utterance.

语义预设和语义蕴涵的现有鉴别方法。The existential approach of discrimination of Semantic Presupposition and Semantic Entailment.

音系类预设触发语属于动态句子,主要是对比重音。Phonological presupposition trigger is mainly the contrastive stress, belonging to dynamic sentence.

从预设的角度对广告语言进行研究是近几年提出的一个新观点。To study advertising language from the perspective of presupposition is a new approach in recent years.

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这种战略遵循行为的前提是所有战略思考与研究的基础。The presupposition of strategy-following behavior is fundamental to all strategic thinking and research.

以往的预设研究是在句子的层面上进行的。Previous research on presupposition has been conventionally confined to the sentential level of language.

语义预设是指不需要语境参与,从句子本身即可推出的共知的命题。Semantic presupposition refers to a general proposition deducted by a sentence itself without any context.