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我们可以合作。We can coördinate.

协调中国啤酒大麦育种事宜。Coordinate China beer barley breeding.

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使用时与你的演讲相协调。Coordinate gestures with what you say.

我们应该协调一下我们该说什么。We should coordinate what we will say.

协调部门间交叉培训。Coordinate departmental cross-training.

用黑板协调工作流。Use Blackboards to Coordinate Workflow.

图4三坐标驱动装置示意图。Fig. 4 The driver with three coordinate.

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这是我最喜欢的时空坐标。This is my favorite space-time coordinate.

协调水事纠纷。to coordinate and arbitrate water disputes.

协调全面风险评估。b.Coordinate enterprise-wide risk assessment.

负责协调直接管理产品认证。Coordinate and direct qualification functions.

传送指定的机器人到给定的坐标。Teleports a specified bot to a given coordinate.

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所碰到的三角形的重心坐标。The barycentric coordinate of the triangle we hit.

此外,他还提供了一些并列的证据。Further more, he supplied some coordinate evidence.

它的z坐标给定了,我们管它叫做h,高度。Its z coordinate is fixed. Let's call h the height.

桌面的坐标系基于像素。The coordinate system of the desktop is pixel-based.

这是y轴,这是x轴。This is the y coordinate and this is the x coordinate.

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事实上后二者处于一种竞争协作的关系中“Indeed, these last two are competitive and coordinate."

变形的、非球体的地球坐标系统。Coordinate systems on a deformable, non-spherical Earth.

组织协调行业和专业的质量技术监督工作。To coordinate the professional quality supervising work.