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他对同志从不疾言厉色。He is never brusque with his comrades.

尽量去培养不那么粗暴的举止。Try to cultivate a less brusque manner.

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他的回答仍然会是不,但是他也许不会这么直接。His answer would still have been no, but he might not have been so brusque.

沃特发现他的新主人说话生硬,而且不易接近。时间过得非常长。Walter found his new charge brusque and unapproachable , the hours were incredibly long.

的确,有些人指出英国有长久的粗鲁和偶尔粗鲁的行为。Indeed, some point out that Britain has a long history of brusque and occasional brutish behavior.

不论他有多么鲁莽和固执,巴拉克为了为以色列争取一个更加安全的未来,总是甘冒更大的风险。For all his brusque bullheadedness, he had taken great risks to win a more secure future for Israel.

想起亨妮阿姨对多余物品和报纸的毫不留恋的态度,我相信他没说谎。Remembering Aunty Henny's own brusque attitude towards superfluous objects and papers, I did not doubt that he was right.

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他是伟人之一,是当时狂放不羁的人物之一,勇于对极端的谬论痛加批驳。He was one of the great ones, one of the brusque characters of the time, WHO could be critical and curt to an absurd extreme.

他总是装出一副很粗鲁的样子,但笑起来却十分爽朗,也很有幽默感,对人性有着深刻的洞察。He generally affected a brusque manner, but he had a great smile, a good sense of humor, and a keen understanding of human nature.

坚持一个唐突的保安作为她的伴侣,她试图不让她的心捉弄她,她在空荡荡的大厅。Stuck with a brusque rent-a-cop as her partner, she tries to not let her mind play tricks on her while she patrols the empty halls.

你可能认为他们不友好就走开了,即使你理智上知道他们可能另有原因。You probably walked away thinking they were pretty unfriendly, even if you intellectually knew they may have had a reason for being brusque.

艾克塞尔先生的研究深入透彻,结论引人关注。但非常遗憾的是,该书篇幅有限同时又仓促出稿,其吸引力便打了一些折扣。Mr Aczel's research is thorough and his conclusions interesting. It is all the sadder that the cramped style and brusque pace limit his book's appeal.

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没什麽值得看的。市场里相当的肮脏与残破,当地人唐突或坚持要我们买他们定价过高的纪念品。高温简直让人难以忍受。There was little to see. The marketplace was filthy and rundown, the people brusque or insisting that we buy their overpriced souvenirs. The heat was near unbearable.

曾任哈佛校长,以激进和杰出而著称的经济学家Summers不仅掌控着奥巴马政府的国家经济委员会,还负责白宫每日进行的总统经济例会。A brusque and brilliant economist and one-time Harvard president, Mr. Summers directs the president’s National Economic Council, and runs Mr. Obama’s daily Oval Office briefings on the economy.