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我说过,梦行者不允许来到这里,冒犯我们的家!here, to offend our home!

希望我没使你生气。I hope I didn't offend you.

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他的话有触犯到你吗?Did his comments offend you?

我冒犯你了么,小甜甜?Do I offend you, sweet-ling?

你到底做了什么冒犯上帝的事了?What did you do to offend God?

我不知道这个对你的嬑义有这么大。I didn't average to offend you.

华太师居然敢得罪我们皇爷。Wah dares to offend Our Majesty.

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不礼貌可能触犯他人。I would never wittingly offend him.

我们小心翼翼不敢冒犯这位要人。We were careful not to offend his nibs.

他们小心翼翼,不敢冒犯这位大人。They were careful not to offend his nibs.

它山之石,可以功玉。The stone of its mountain, can offend jade.

这下,他可能让我也惹毛了。This falls, he may let me also offend wool.

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你可能会无意间开罪人。You might offend people without meaning to.

然而,我确实也努力让自己学会不去冒犯他人。I do make an effort, however, not to offend.

你不太能冒犯自己吧,对吗?You can't possibly offend yourself, can you?

他因为冒犯她的客人而向她道歉。He apologized for having offend her visiters.

咱们走吧,免得我们惹恼了收藏家。Let us go, before we offend the connoisseurs.

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不气你,不骂你,相信你。Never offend you , never scold you, believe you.

你火爆的脾气会常常冒犯到别人。You'll often offend people by being hot-tempered.

触怒能帮助你的人是失策的。It is impolitic to offend people who can help you.