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我是独一无二的造化。I am a unique creature.

我们从未敬拜一个被造之物。We do not worship a creature.

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在这张图上你能看到什么动物?What creature do you see here?

她真是个非常纤小的人儿。She is quite a little creature.

间或婴儿似地静躺在摇篮里。Or like a cradled creature lies.

我是唯一无二的事业。I am a unique creature of nature.

天与地,人与物。Sky and earth, Human and creature.

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好在这些致命生物又游走了。But the lethal creature bobbed off.

生物住宅也卖公猪。Creature dwellings also sell Boars.

我的宠物狗是一种非常美丽的动物。My pet dog is a beautiful creature.

戈耳戈蛇发女妖是神话中的怪物。The gorgon was a mythical creature.

他不可能只靠自己活下去He is not a creature off by himself.

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他是活物中最鄙俗的一种。He's the most vile kind of creature.

一个奇异的精灵。A strange little elfin-like creature.

一个这样生物是吹风者鱼。One such creature is the puffer fish.

事实上,它是一种非常有用的小生物。Actually, it's a very useful creature.

毕竟,人都是上帝的产物。After all, you are the creature of God.

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那么,什么样的动物是蛇夫座?So, what kind of creature is Ophiuchus?

另一个冬眠的动物是熊。Another hibernating creature is the bear.

黑色的是支付2B来掘坟一个生物。Black one has 2B to reanimate a creature.