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这是僧伽罗语的复杂性方面。This is the complection of Sinhalese.

总统又提及古代僧伽罗战争英雄。The president also harked back to ancient Sinhalese martial heroes.

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总统先生还提及了古时的幸哈族战争英雄。The president also harked back to ancient Sinhalese martial heroes.

卫塞节这个词本身是巴利语的“卫塞迦”的僧伽罗语。The word Vesak itself is the Sinhalese language word for the Pali word "Visakha".

只要泰米尔人觉得他们正生活在一个充满种族歧视的国家里,被僧伽罗人统治虐待着,那么冲突就会重新开始。So long as Tamils feel abused by a racist Sinhalese state, the conflict may resume.

很少僧伽罗人和泰米尔人是基督教徒,大多数是罗马天主教徒。Sizable minorities of both Sinhalese and Tamils are Christians, most of whom are Roman Catholic.

在他的布道中,科伦坡的总教头马尔科姆.吉尔特是来自于人数众多的的僧伽罗社区,坦言这是一种好现象。In his sermon, the Archbishop of Colombo, Malcolm Ranjith from the majority Sinhalese community, said this was a beautiful occasion.

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在Paranattahal的晚上,僧伽罗的战士和曾经的泰米尔难民一起打了一场非常开心的板球赛,在这里,他们看上去相处的很好。In the evening in Paranattahal, Sinhalese soldiers and former Tamil refugees play a good-humoured game of cricket. Here they seem to get on well.

但是他既抨击政府军队的战争行径,也抱怨公民自由的缩减,即使是在斯里兰卡多数民族中。But he railed against both the conduct of the war by the Sri Lankan army and the curtailment of civil liberties even among the Sinhalese majority.

25年以来,斯里兰卡都深陷灾祸中,包括僧伽罗人多数派和泰米尔人少数派之间的残暴内战。For a quarter century, Sri Lanka seems to have been plagued by misfortune, including a brutal civil war between the Sinhalese majority and Tamil minority.

在这个众多信仰共存的多民族国度里有许多佛僧,它的官方语言是僧伽罗语和泰米尔语,而英语也被广泛使用。The multi-religious and multi-ethnic population includes many Buddhist monks with official languages being Sinhalese and Tamil, and English being widely spoken.

斯里兰卡内阁已取消了该国的泰米尔语版国歌,并且表示现在这首歌曲必须使用僧伽罗语来演唱。The sri lankan cabinet has abolished the tamil version of the country's national anthem saying it must be sung now only in the language of the sinhalese majority.

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像本周其他爬上开往贾夫纳的汽车的人一样,程德先生对于连接南部僧伽罗和北部泰米尔的联系正在加强而感到高兴。Like others clambering on the Jaffna bus this week, Mr Chandran was happy that mobility between the mainly Sinhalese south and the mostly Tamil north is increasing.

他的子民被僧伽罗人的炮火围困在斯里兰卡东北角的海滩上。这些人,绝难轻易摆脱普拉巴卡兰为他们刻画的炮灰命运。His people, confined in the end to a beach in north-eastern Sri Lanka and shelled by the Sinhalese army, could not get away so easily from the mayhem Prabhakaran had drawn them into.

根据马尔代夫的传说,从前,一个名叫Koimalaa的僧伽罗王子和他的新娘-斯里兰卡国王的女儿-被搁浅在马尔代夫的一个礁湖,无奈他们只能留在那里,至此成为了那里的第一代君王。According to Maldivian legend, a Sinhalese prince named Koimalaa was stranded with his bride--daughter of the king of Sri Lanka--in a Maldivian lagoon and stayed on to rule as the first sultan.