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稳定你的脚。Stabilize your feet.

浪漫情缘应当要稳定下来。Romantic relationships should stabilize.

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同时更好的稳固用户对IBM忠实度。And more stabilize IBM user's loyalty than before.

后来,当克丽斯塔11岁,她的眼睛情况似乎稳定。Then, when Krista was 11, her eye seemed to stabilize.

应在台车等的车轮下放置防滑器。Please use antiskid unit to stabilize the tires of trolleys.

设计了一个“有记忆型”控制器。A memory controller is designed to stabilize the given system.

分析家认为这项房地产税政策有利于市场的稳定发展。Analysts say a real-estate tax could help stabilize the market.

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要想血压稳定情绪必须稳定。Must think the blood pressure sets minds at rest must stabilize.

保持积极的态度,这可以帮助她稳定情绪。Keeping a positive perspective can help her stabilize her emotions.

为了稳定市场,中国政府曾在过去叫停过融资计划。Beijing has halted new fund raising in the past to stabilize markets.

缅甸的国际化和稳定都对中国有利。It’s in China’s interest that Myanmar internationalize and stabilize.

坦克中的陀螺仪用于稳定火炮的瞄准系统。The gyroscope in tank is used to stabilize the aim system of the gun.

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在国内,我们正在大刀阔斧地努力稳定我们的金融体制。At home, we are working aggressively to stabilize our financial system.

他在2001年把“商务2.0”卖给了时代集团,以便稳固未来传媒的发展。Business 2.0 was sold in 2001 to Time Inc., helping to stabilize Future.

首件检验不马虎,制程稳定无错误。Strictly inspect the first part will led to Stabilize producing process.

占市场主要地位的成屋销售今年秋季时曾出现了企稳的苗头。Home resales , the bulk of the market, had seemed to stabilize this fall.

当你摆动手臂时,它们提供平衡力,稳定你的头。As you swing your arms, they become counterweights to stabilize your head.

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当地的原生草被很多人视为“丑陋的野草”,我们用它来加固河堤。Native grasses—“ugly weeds” most thought—were used to stabilize the riverbanks.

因此为了稳定昆虫食品的产量,发展农场养殖是必需的。What is needed to stabilize the insect food supply is the development of farms.

十年活动的目标是稳住丧失的生命数量并随后使其下降。The goal of the Decade is to stabilize and then reduce the number of lives lost.