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于是我去了。I went over.

因此等于RT除以。V RT over V.

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我浑身刺痒。I itch all over.

现在交给你了。Now over to you.

白子,还不过来。Baizi, come over.

狂欢节结束了。Carnival is over.

不要妆扮过甚。Don't over dress.

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他有60开外了。He is over sixty.

快看那边!Look, over there!

超过了希腊。Move over Greece.

哎,我睡过头了。Oh, I over slept.

工人共100余人。Over 100 workers.

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到公园那边?Over to the park?

我上下打量着他。I looked him over.

上班路上我碰见了一个色鬼。I ran over a goat.

我乘车去了那里。I rode over there.

我全身都痒。I tickle all over.

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操练完毕。The drill is over.

那个小伙子The guy over here.

现在派对结束了。The party is over.