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在生物学上翻译是怎么发生的呢How does translation occur biologically?

烟酰胺是烟酸的生物活性形式。Niacinamide is the biologically active form of niacin.

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游离态之激素才有作用。Only the free hormone is biologically available to tissues.

因为蚯蚓和其他昆虫一样有着一套完整的生物学构造。Because earthworms are as biologically complex as any insect.

这时就只剩骨头了,这在生物学上是不可能的。You're all made of bones and that is biologically not feasible.

尽管,我不知道生物学上我正在发生些什么。Even though I didn't know what was happening to me biologically.

在生理上,双胞胎享有最为接近的人类关系。Identicals share one of the closest human relationships biologically.

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生物学上这些肿瘤为良性且可通过刮除术或切除术治愈。These tumors are biologically benign and are treated by curettage or resection.

从生物机理上说,我们可能已经习惯了这种本底辐射。Possibly we are accustomed, biologically speaking, to this background radiation.

营养却是在生物学上更全面的,支持事物的自然秩序。Nutrition is biologically comprehensive and supports the natural order of things.

母亲的职责普遍由妇女附诸实施,这从生物学的角度来看是有根据的。The mother role is universally carried out by women, which is biologically based.

使得这个地方如此有生物学魅力的正是靠近水流处被发现的生命。What makes this place biologically amazing was the life they found near the plumes.

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在宣布生物已无法生存在那座海洋后,政府禁止在该海域捕鱼。After declaring the ocean biologically dead, the government banned all fishing there.

饮食中严重缺乏有利人体的烟碱酸就造成糙皮病。Pellagra is caused by a severe deficiency of biologically available niacin in the diet.

然而,一项新的研究表明,男性从生物学上讲是来照顾小孩的。Yet a new study suggests that men are biologically designed to care for their children.

生理上我还没有丧失性能力或者性冷淡——我仍然有激情。I haven't switched off biologically or become frigid – I still have a passionate nature.

这是牙髓组具有自身修复潜能的生物学基础。This is biologically fundamental for the self-reparative potential of dental pulp tissue.

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这就使一些"天性"论的拥护者得出结论,黑人在生理上比白人略低一筹。This leads some "nature" proponents to conclude that blacks are biologically inferior to whites.

忽视了对友谊的本能需求,可能会导致身心上的异恙。By ignoring our biologically programmed need for each other, we risk physical and mental distress.

污泥膨胀问题一直是废水生物法处理过程中的难题之一。Sludge bulking is always a touchy problem during the process of biologically treating waste water.