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在击剑时用的是把重剑。I use a heavy sabre in fencing.

他用马刀刮去树皮。He stripped a tree with his sabre.

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他的脸上留有马刀砍下的伤痕。His face was seamed with sabre cuts.

振动支持萨伯瑞激动?Vibration support with Sabre Tingle?

对,我一定是在捡到这支骑兵后就把它给扔了。Sure, I must have discarded it after I found the Sabre.

一个从四面八方穿过灌木丛过来的骑兵队发起了令人恐怖的猛攻。A sabre sla mmed fearsomely through the thicket in all directions.

Sabre一直都在大幅削减成本,并将业务外包到波兰和印度。Sabre has been slashing costs and shipping work to Poland and India.

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让小编教你用马刀开香槟,让你成为全场焦点!This article will teach you the most handsome way to open a Champagne with a sabre.

并以上汽赛宝车为例,对该软件的可行性进行了验证。Finally, taking SABRE from SAIC as an example, feasibility of the software is verified.

它除了一双象牙般大小的剑齿犬牙,整个口腔的上颚都长满了牙齿。In addition to the crayon-size sabre canines, the entire roof of its mouth was covered with teeth.

在过去的的几个星期里,Sabre都在分析国内生产总值增长和航空客流量之间的关联关系。In the past several weeks, Sabre has been analyzing the correlation between GDP growth and enplanements.

了解如何改变一个马刀锯刀片从建筑专家在这个自由电动工具视频。Learn how to change the blades on a sabre saw from a construction expert in this free power tools video.

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在2010年,Sabre会继续开发和加强在移动设备方面的产品线。Sabre will continue to develop and enhance its product lines with even more mobile capabilities in 2010.

14日晚,乌克兰队以45-44击败中国队,赢得女子佩剑团体赛金牌。Ukraine beat China 45-44 to win the women's team sabre gold medal at the Olympic Games Thursday evening.

中国选手仲满以15-9的比分击败了法国选手洛佩,赢得了本届奥运会中国首枚男子佩剑的金牌。Zhong won China's first Olympic fencing gold in men's sabre fencing beating Nicolas Lopez of France 15-9.

美国财长盖特纳口头上的剑拔弩张是对开放的全球贸易体系的一种威胁。The verbal sabre rattling by US Treasury Secretary Geithner is a threat to the open global trading system.

五十年前正当韩战进行得如火如荼,美国F-86军刀机与苏联制的米格15进行对决。Just 50 years ago, the Korean War well underway, U. S. F-86 Sabre and the Soviet-made MiG aircraft 15 to duel.

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经过长时间的调试,本机已发挥出接近ESS9018的极限性能。After a long time of debugging, we believe that the SABRE D18 can play close to the limit performance of the ESS9018.

美国航空不厌其烦地表示,这并非企业合作关系的解体,甚至在与惠普达成合作的新闻稿中提到了Sabre。American went to lengths to say this wasn’t a corporate breakup, even naming Sabre in its news release on the H-P award.

在竞争对手采取在男子佩剑击剑在南美运动会在麦德林3月25日四分之一决赛的一部分。Competitors take part during the quarterfinal of the men's sabre fencing at the South American Games in Medellin March 25.