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欧洲的不安可能会渐长。Europe 's disquiet is likely to grow.

觉察到了不安或恐惧的感觉,抓紧行动。Take good note of any feelings of disquiet or fear and act upon them.

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官员们对使用到的直露图片表示不安。Officials also registered their disquiet with the explicit images on offer.

她很早以前就感觉到了,每当她迈进阿拜顿博士的家门时,就是这种相同的感觉。It was the same exact disquiet she’d felt earlier when she stepped into Dr. Abaddon’s house.

以诺接受了愤怒之书、催促之书及鼓动之书。And in those days Enoch received books of zeal and wrath, and books of disquiet and expulsion.

第二,令日本的不安感转变成焦虑和危机感。Second, it has transformed Japan's sense of disquiet into one of full-blown anxiety and crisis.

此人“丰富多彩”的粗俗语言让他博得了士兵们的爱戴,但是在他的同僚中造成了不良影响。The colourful language of the rank-and-file endears this man to his troops, but causes vague disquiet amongst his peers.

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纳兰词以风格凄婉,感伤而名昭后世,在当时词坛上别具一格。The Nalan poesy, known to the aftertime as the style of disquiet and sentiment, had a unique style at the time on the Poesy Circle.

近期有报道推测,金正日选择金正云做接班人导致政界和军界高层不安,是党代会推迟的真正原因。Recent reports speculated that disquiet among political and military elites over Kim's choice of successor was the real reason behind the meeting's delay.

以民看来不像在造反,但是也不难想像当他们见到眼前的一片荒芜,内心的阵阵恐惧不安。There is no indication that they were rebellious, but it is not hard to imagine that the sight of the wilderness would have caused them some disquiet and even fear.

但已经燃烧殆尽的建筑物,是对安全漠然的忽视,这一事实不断地透视出来,不安以这栋高楼为中心,从上海弥漫到全国。But as the evidence of blatant disregard for safety at the incinerated building grew, disquiet swept from Shanghai, the boom’s high-rise epicenter, across the country.

IMF消息人士表示,IMF内部非欧洲国家对于砸钱挽救欧债危机,眼下却没有解决办法的风险益发不安.But IMF sources say disquiet is growing among non-Europeans at the global lender over the risks of pouring more money into Europe's debt crisis with no resolution in sight.

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昨日,流浪者队球迷和股东表示继续沉默,因俱乐部“神话”约翰·基利和前主席约翰·麦克莱兰的辞职,但他们声称是被逼走的。RANGERS fans and shareholders expressed growing disquiet yesterday after club legend John Greig and former chairman John McClelland resigned from the board, claiming they have been frozen out.