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布隆方丹南非中部一城市,位于金伯利东南偏东。A city of central South Africa east-southeast of Kimberley.

黄昏时分,我们仍在往金伯利行进。We were still there at dusk, when we pulled in to Kimberley.

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Kimberley中国餐厅,烤乳猪Kimberley Chinese Restaurant’s Roasted Suckling Pig, Hong Kong

一种长尾有袋鼠,只有在西澳洲的金伯利来地区才能见到。A long-tailed marsupial mouse, is found only in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.

金伯利同样是大量酒瓶树的产地,与非洲的猴面包树很相似。The Kimberley is also home to the massive boab tree, close relative of the African baobabs.

在长期分居后,赫夫纳于2010年与第二任妻子金伯利-康拉德离婚。Hefner was divorced from his second wife, Kimberley Conrad, in 2010after a lengthy separation.

长达373英里的吉布河路把位于西澳核心地区的金伯利高原一分为二,它原是一条牧区道路,把面积有比利时那样大小的牧场与温德姆港口联系起来。The Gibb River Road's 373 miles bisect the remote heart of Western Australia's Kimberley Plateau.

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世界上最大的钻石之一——金伯利八面体重616克,就是一颗黄钻。At 616 carats, one of the largest diamonds in the world—the Kimberley octahedron—is a yellow diamond.

观赏布鲁姆的骆驼和特色,这是一座通往金伯利的奇异的珍珠城。Meet camels and characters in Broome, an exotic pearling town that sits at the gateway to the Kimberley.

赫夫纳今年早些时候与第二任妻子金伯利•康拉德离婚。Hefner, whose magazine was founded in 1953, was divorced from his second wife, Kimberley Conrad, earlier this year.

托马斯的医生,金伯利.詹姆斯说“这个胎儿非常健康,而且我认为,这是个普通的怀孕过程。”Thomas’s doctor Kimberley James, said that “This baby’s totally healthy and this is, I consider, an average pregnancy.”

美国地质研究所的克姆波利·耶斯说,当海平面上升,沉淀物搅起,珊瑚也会有苦难当头。Corals may also have trouble coping as sea level rises and stirs up sediments, said Kimberley Yates of the U.S. Geological Survey.

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一次,我们看到过他和4B的一个女生叫“金伯利钻石”的接吻。我们爬上一棵树,找到最佳位置向下吹口哨。First time we saw him snogging a girl named kimberley from 4B, we climbed a tree to get a better view and made throwing-up noises.

金柏莉啜泣地说。「他把我变成怪咖。我现在一上街,大家就盯著我。」"It is horrible, " sobbed Kimberley. "He has turned me into a freak. I can't go out on the street now without people looking at me. "

布鲁姆坐落于丹皮尔半岛,那里是澳大利亚西北处著名的金伯利地区的一部分,以其盛产珍珠的水域而闻名于世。Famous for its pearl-filled waters, Broome anchors the Dampier Peninsula, part of the famous Kimberley region in northwest Australian.

足球作为封面乌拉圭足球运动员参加在GWK园金伯利体育场训练会议上二零一零年六月七日间距。Footballs cover the pitch as Uruguay's football players take part in a training session at the GWK Park stadium in Kimberley on June 7, 2010.

但是如果中士金佰利·蒙莉和马克·托德这两个民用警察没有赶来制止他,情形可能会更糟。But it could have been worse if Sergeant Kimberley Munley and Sergeant Mark Todd, two civilian police officers, hadn't stepped in to stop him.

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本特利的妻子金波利昨天用自己的账户在几歪网上发言攻击热刺主帅哈里迟迟不肯解决她丈夫前程的问题。David Bentley's wife Kimberley used her Twitter account yesterday to attack Spurs boss Harry Redknapp for not sorting out her husband's future.

一种长尾有袋鼠,只有在西澳洲的金伯利来地区才能见到。这种胆小的动物几乎从不远离自己的巢穴外出冒险。A long-tailed marsupial mouse, is found only in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. This timid creature rarely ventures for from its nest.

但是人权组织很快就指出了金伯利进程相关协议中使冲突钻石继续流入国家市场的漏洞。But human rights organizations are quick to point out weaknesses in the Kimberley Process that allow conflict diamonds into the international market.