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八拜收入高。Eighth for high-income.

现在是八楼。It's the eighth floor now.

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在巴格达,八世纪。In Baghdad, in the eighth century.

他陪我去了八层楼。He accompanied me to the eighth floor.

他统率着第八军。He assumed command of the Eighth Army.

他已进入耄耋之年。He has rounded into his eighth decade.

停靠在八楼的二路汽车。The No. 2 bus stopped at eighth floor.

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停靠在八楼的二路汽车。Stop on the eighth floor two road cars.

聪明的诺姒第八个出嫁。The smart Nuosi was the eighth married.

该关闭的第八洞发球台的挑战是显而易见的。The challenge off the eighth tee is evident.

第八个乌麾是短耳朵的那斗啊娄。The eighth Wuhui was the short-ear Nadou'alou.

他是住在八楼的一位老人。He’s one of the old-timers on the eighth floor.

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我们住在一个大酒店八楼。We stayed in a large hotel on the eighth floor.

凤凰城是美国第8大最繁忙的机场。Phoenix is the country's eighth busiest airport.

这名女患者是该国第8个死于禽流感的人。She is the eighth person to die in that country.

“威凯星期八”为该公司在北京所开发项目。The eighth day of week is their item in Beijing.

他们有资格第六和第八,分别。They had qualified sixth and eighth respectively.

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命盘中的第八宫是很复杂的。The eighth house of the horoscope is very complex.

随后被紧急送往八路军后方医院医治。Then were rushed to the eighth route army hospital.

你从第六大街,第七大街和第八大街中穿过。You Sixth Avenue, Seventh Avenue and Eighth Avenue.