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这种魅力是无法抵御的。The charm is irresistible.

她有沉鱼落雁的魅力!She has an irresistible charm.

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也是不可阻挡的历史潮流。It is an irresistible trend of history.

我对你的爱就像飞蛾扑火不可抗拒。I love your fire like moths irresistible.

空气中弥漫着一股势不可挡的力量。An irresistible power is diffusing the air.

改革浪潮是不可抗拒的。The raging trend of reforms is irresistible.

这就是这性男人性感和难以抗拒的原因。That's what makes a man sexy and irresistible.

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这是不可阻挡的历史潮流。It represents an irresistible trend of history.

红色让人眼前一亮,让你不可抵挡。Red turns up the hit and makes you irresistible.

基督山用一种不可抗拒的口吻问道。demanded the irresistible voice of Monte Cristo.

夕阳西下时的校园,有着不可抗拒的美丽。The sundowners campus, with the irresistible beauty.

好吧。我想我的魅力锐不可当。Well you know, I guess I am pretty damn irresistible.

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造物主巧妙地把他们设计得令人无法抗拒。Nature has cunningly designed them to be irresistible.

方块字那股难以抗拒的魅力,你不感觉到吗?Don't you feel the irresistible charm of Chinese words?

冬季必不可少的防寒宝贝,超级保暖。Cosy and irresistible to protect baby from winter chills!

这么热的天,我们禁不住要去游冰。On such a hot day, swimming is irresistible to all of us.

穿着这性感的紧身装,你还真有点魅力?You're quite irresistible in that sexy skin-tight getup ?

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月光如瀑布照着你的脸,你无法抗拒的。Moonbeams cascade over your face, and you're irresistible.

爱是一种难以克制的欲望,控制不住的渴望着。Love is the irresistible desire to be desired irresistibly.

他们的魅力和厚脸皮会很令人厌烦的,但是你就是无法抵抗。A Gemini's charm and cheek can be annoying, but irresistible.