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芬兰现在是自己的国家。Finland är ett eget land nu.

这是hv,X光出现了。This is h nu. X-rays coming in.

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嗨宝贝,我现在到酒店了。Hi baby, ik ben nu in mijn hotel.

努那兹耸了耸肩,好象我也要问这个问题?。Nu?ez shrugged. As if I was going to ask?

努那兹摇了摇头,指了指自己的手表。Nu?ez shook his head and pointed to his watch.

我们知道υ等于c除以波长。We know that nu is equal to c over wavelength.

苹果的脸颊刷的绯红色女刷刷或等量。Brush the apple of the cheeks with the Nu Colour?

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我们知道波长等于c除以。nu We know that wavelength is equal to c over nu.

后世人就把女娲奉为“神媒”。Nu regarded as the world put upon "God the media."

怒江,九月,菊花的清香还在。Nu River, September, chrysanthemum fragrance still.

这都是一个最主要的流传形式。This is the primary form for Nü Shu being come down.

在东直门地铁站里碰头吧。那儿离女人街很近。At the Dongzhimen subway station. It's near Nu Ren Jie.

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快速奔流的怒江有巨大的水电潜力。The fast-flowing Nu offers vast potential for hydropower.

“这个借口他已经用了二十多次了!”王刚怒。"This lends he yet use 20 Be getting more! "King just Nu.

女书作品是有着独特魅力的民间文学。Nü Shu works are folklores which have special fascination.

他们在女娲身旁欢呼雀跃了一阵,慢慢走散了。Nu Wa side cheering them for a while, slowly got separated.

他不怒自威,说话带着一股淡淡的威仪。He not the Nu speak to take a light reputation from the Wei.

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老爷子眉头一皱,有些不耐烦的怒意。The master sub- eyebrows a wrinkly, some impatient Nu minds.

我让他进来吧。努那兹自己都不知道明天还能否找到工作。I let him in. Nu?ez wondered if he would have a job tomorrow.

我喜欢f这个字母,但是书上用希腊字母υ来表示频率。I prefer the letter f, but our book uses the Greek letter nu.