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重塑民营企业精神,重点是塑造名牌产品。The key that remold the spirit of enterprise is shaped famous brand.

信息时代的到来,要求重新塑造图书馆员的形象。The advent of the information epoch demands to remold the librarians.

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主体是改造和认识客体的活动者。The subject, here referring to a man, is to remold and recognize the object.

在上个星期的一次宴会上,女主人安排我坐在兰伯德夫人的身旁。Last week at a dinner-party, the hostess asked me to sit next to Mrs. Remold.

因特网是否具有改进和重塑财务报告模式的能力?。Does Internet have the ability to improve and remold financial reporting model?

当然,我们不能完全移植它,要对其进行改造。We certainly should not just copy that, instead we should remold it to our demands.

他把神的重造,与民族的重造联系在一起,与广大民众联系在一起。He relates the remold of God to the remold of a nation and to the mass common people.

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波洛特诺夫用画笔重塑了俄罗斯中部自然风景的柔和之美。Using his brush, Polotnov remold the gentle and mild beauty of the natural sceneries in middle Russia.

在对未来争夺重塑理念的今天,我们正在展开一种新的政治视觉美学。In our midst of vying to remold concepts of the future, we have unfolded a new political visual aesthetics.

重塑与创新当代中国的政治信仰体系,必须坚定不移地促进社会主义民主政治的发展。So in order to remold and innovate the system of it, we should promote the development of social democracy.

而且在日益开放的现代社会中,监禁刑的运行成本在不断增加,而其改造效能却令人失望。The cost of imprisonment is increasing in the opening modern society but the efficacy of remold is disappointing.

中国方面要求他们必须表现出真正忏悔并改造自己思想,这些言论更让他们对此不安。Their concerns were heightened by Chinese rhetoric that they must show true repentance and remold their thinking.

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薄差油层具有储层物性差,数量多,在纵向上分散、跨距大,压裂改造困难。Due to the poor physical property and large magnitude of thin pay zones, it is very difficult to apply fracturing remold.

运用新经济改造传统产业企业是加速企业战略转移的重要方面。It is an important aspect to quicken the strategic transformation of an enterprise using the new economy to remold a traditional industry.

如何重塑公司的核心竞争力,制定和实施有效的市场营销策略是公司面临的重要问题。It is an important question for ZEBON how to remold the core competency, and constitute and actualize effective market marketing strategy.

能源不仅是俄罗斯实现经济发展的重要手段,也是重建俄罗斯大国形象的有力武器。Energy is not only a key approach to realize economic development for Russia, but also a powerful weapon to remold Russia's powerful image.

如何重塑农村金融服务体系,优化农村金融经营环境,有效增加农村金融服务的供给是当前亟待解决的重大问题。How to remold rural financial service system, to optimize its environment and to increase its supply are the problems to be settled urgently.

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德国大学在20世纪经历了由盛及衰的历史转变,重塑德国大学当年的辉煌已成为德国政府和民众的共同理想。German university experienced a historic transformation in 20th century, it has been a common ideal to remold brilliance of german university.

思想实验用以揭示概念与观测之间的隐含冲突,并鲜明显示新的概念。Thought-experiment helps to re- veal the hidden contradictions between the conceptions and the observations and helps to remold new conceptions.

中国现代化进程要求对小农意识进行彻底改造以构建新的民族文化心理。The development of Chinese modernization needs to remold the small farmer mentality thoroughly in order to structure new national cultural mentality.