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柏辽兹了其辉煌的专栏作家。Berlioz had been its brilliant columnist.

在这样的地方作一个专栏作家实在让人兴奋。Being a columnist at a place like this can be exhilarating.

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那位报纸专栏作家从不放过取笑市长的机会。That newspaper columnist derides the mayor whenever he can.

这种言论出自一位个人理财专栏作家之口听起来有些奇怪。This might sound odd coming from a personal-finance columnist.

正如我们在梧桐专栏指出的那样,这会给瑞士法郎自身带来风险。This brings its own risks, as our Buttonwood columnist points out.

艾比.莱德尔的女儿马苟.霍华德也是一位专栏作家。Eppie Lederer's daughter, Margo Howard, is an advice columnist as well.

一位专栏作家后来说,卡斯特雷萨纳被看作“上帝之声”。A columnist later said that Castresana was treated as “the voice of God.

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她从业务版面点了一个专栏作家的有趣的引用。She spots an interesting quote from a columnist in the business section.

然后,他开始担任一家报纸的专栏作家,作为冷面讲师。Then he began to work as a newspaper columnist and as a deadpan lecturer.

美国在线WalletPop.com的消费者专栏作家米奇·利普卡就是这样做的。That's what Mitch Lipka, the consumer columnist for AOL's, did.

一位专栏作家说,罗森博格已然变身“数百万危地马拉人的代言者。”A columnist said that Rosenberg had become “the voice of millions of Guatemalans.

当时有位专栏作家质疑来自阿肯色州霍普的克林顿是否真是个乡下人。A columnist back then questioned whether the man from Hope, Ark., was a true bubba.

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而在国外,她是俄罗斯最出名的记者,一个多产的专栏作家。Abroad, she was the country’s best-known journalist, a prolific author and columnist.

一些女性正在观看者色清作品,性学专栏作家伊恩。克内在最近的一个专栏中指出这一现象。Some are watching porn, as our sex columnist Ian Kerner pointed out in a recent column.

他在Deadspin任执行编辑,为Slate写专栏,目前居住在纽约。He is the managing editor of Deadspin and a columnist for Slate, and he lives in New York.

他发出此信息的对象——报章专栏作者亚斯敏·阿里白-布朗报了警。The subject of his tweet, newspaper columnist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, reported him to police.

箱子里垫有泡沫塑料免得货物受压。Each case is lined with cream artificials in adjustment to assure the goods adjoin columnist.

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每个人都是无知的,只是科目不同而已---威尔。罗杰斯,美国演员和专栏作家。Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects---Will Rogers, American actor and columnist.

它专栏作家正在attent深情translat它没有金额如何创造你擦伤了。It columnist is translat in the affectionate of attent it creat no amount how you abrasion it.

政治专栏作家莫特说,这个案子给土耳其社会造成了深刻的分歧。Political columnist Nuray Mert says the case is creating deep divisions in the Turkish society.